View Full Version : Help, I’m Struggling

13-07-18, 22:55
Okay. So Saturday I found out I was pregnant. I took two tests within 24 hours an at first the line was light and then got darker. Well, today I started getting cramps and startled bleeding. I went to the doctor for a check up because I feel like I could have a yeast infection. I have frequency and urgency with peeing and some discharged. My husband thinks it’s from the pregnancy hormones and my anxiety. I thought well maybe it’s a uti but it’s not burning and sometimes I don’t feel it. Idk what is going on. But now that I have bleeding, that went from spotting to almost a full period I’m so incredibly scared. I got some blood test results back and then normal range for white blood cell counts are 3.1 to like 11 and mine is at 6.5. Is that normal? Is that too low? I looked up low white cell counts and now I’m scared that I have sepsis from a uti that I didn’t get checked out right away or maybe I have cancer. Please someone help. Sepsis worries me because my heart rate is pretty high. But I was just at the doctors and they didn’t say anything about my blood pressure.

13-07-18, 23:24
If the reference range is 3-11, 6.5 is very normal. Why would you think otherwise?

14-07-18, 01:56
Bleeding like that during pregnancy is more likely related to the pregnancy than cancer or uti. You should call an OB if you haven't already. Did the doctor you saw know you are pregnant?

Are you still cramping and bleeding?