View Full Version : High wbc, pls help

14-07-18, 01:37
I went to the doctor because I had diarrhea for 2 weeks and the day I went to the emergency room was on the 11th of this month because I had some red blood on toilet paper. I had done a CBC earlier that day at my doctors office and my wbc was 14 or 14000. When I went to the er 8 hours later my wbc was 17.1. Other results are rbc 5.10, hemoglobin 13.5, hematocrit 41.4, mcd 81.2, much 26.4, rdw 14.9, plt count 298, mvp 10.2, neut % 68.1H, lymph 24.0, mono % 5.6, eos% 1.8, Baso % 0.5, neut # 11.6 H, lymph # 4.1, mono # 0.9, eos # 0.3, Baso # 0.1. No uti, negative occult blood stool. I don’t feel sick or anything

14-07-18, 13:15
Sorry I can't interpret those results for you but what did the doctor say?