View Full Version : Allergic reaction?

Marco Hernandez
14-07-18, 07:09
So bassicly I ussaly go outside with my dog to play with her and feed and to pet her and so on later on about an hour later I got an allergic reaction ive never had the side of my face turn red and was itchy I applied cream and went away so when I'm about go to bed im thinking about what happend and I had a panic attack when I thought a flee got on me and bit me and it wasn't an allergic reaction cause I've never had one before in my life and thinking I'm gonna get sick some disease like the black death Im scared for my life because when I'm laying in my bed i feel like there something crawling on my body moving around I have an air conditioner I'm not sure if that's the problem I'm really i can't sleep

14-07-18, 08:21
There is always a first time for an allergic reaction. Was this evenly across one side of your face or could you identify an originating point or any bite marks? The fact that the cream helped probably means it was an allergy - what kind of cream - one for insect bites. Otherwise did you use sun cream earlier, lie on the grass, eat anything - these could all be allergy triggers.

Marco Hernandez
14-07-18, 20:07
There was a small bite mark on my hand the next morning and leaves did touch my face the same day most of the time I was near my dog aswell.the cream was for allergies

14-07-18, 20:47
There was a small bite mark on my hand the next morning and leaves did touch my face the same day most of the time I was near my dog aswell.the cream was for allergies

Sounds totally like an allergic reaction. These can come and go over the course of your life. I once had a red hand with tiny hives just from resting my hand on the grass one year. This responded quickly to an antihistamine so I didn't bother seeing a doctor.

If it was me, what I would do is next time it happens, if ever, take a photo and show it to your doctor if you are worried. Am assuming your eyes did not go bloodshot, and that you didn't have swelling or hives anywhere, and that your breathing was ok? The fact that it was so responsive to the cream is good.