View Full Version : Visual Disturbances--Macular Degeneration?

14-07-18, 18:13
I'm getting what looks like a blind spot in the middle of my right eye and straight lines look slightly wavy when I look through my right eye. I have bad astigmatism and have worn glasses for the past 20 years but I've only started obsessing about my vision and not sure if this is new or not as I've only started thinking about it. I went to the optician last week and she took the usual retina photos, examined my eyes etc and said they were all healthy except for my prescription needing adjusted . I then went back this week and asked for another eye test as my new glasses were still blurry. Again she looked in my eyes and said they were fine and healthy. I'm convinced I have macular degeneration in one eye but Im too scared to tell the optician I think I have a blind spot in my Central vision, I think the optician is missing a major illness in my eye or perhaps I have a brain tumor and this is affecting my vision :-( I just can't get a break from health worries, every week its something new. My wife doesnt even listen to me anymore, she just says "what is it now, you're fine" and ignores me :-(

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14-07-18, 21:48
Hey, if you're already doing tests, why not bring this up with the doctors?

14-07-18, 22:17
Hey, if you're already doing tests, why not bring this up with the doctors?I "froze" when I was in and am scared that there is something badly wrong plus I'm only doing online Google tests. The tests the optician ran including examining in my eye etc were all clear so I don't know. I don't know if I'm just obsessing about it and I've just never looked for or noticed it before or if there is actually something new and wrong. Day to day and if I wasn't looking for anything I don't think Id notice any difference but I don't know.

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