View Full Version : I have a rash worried about meningitis (pics)

14-07-18, 20:31
I'm really worried, I noticed this rash on my arm (I also have a mark on my other arm and a similar rash on my face and chest) I'm so so scared it could be meningitis?

I've been out all day in the sun and the places where I have marks are all places that were able tobe touched by the sun (I had a tank top on) so could it be that? The rash isn't itchy but I feel a bit burnt.

https://scontent.fman1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/37188155_1704509219663626_8451930450896617472_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=b21bc9bd7cf14bf0a9374335eb26b5d5&oe=5BD62D32https://scontent.fman1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/37078690_1704512336329981_5934933569372684288_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=6285082376a3f40629dde51e80e47136&oe=5BCA334Dhttps://scontent.fman1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/37084442_1704509462996935_5937944487476068352_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=15a3072740ab4da82c67e0aebf213631&oe=5BE24F5E

14-07-18, 20:33
I’ve come up like this from being in the sun before, I’d say that’s exactly what it is!

14-07-18, 20:40
I’ve come up like this from being in the sun before, I’d say that’s exactly what it is!

Oh really? That reassures me quite a lot then :) I googled and it all said sun related rashes were itchy and mine isn't really? So I've been convinced it's not (although I do know deep down it is. Like on my face it isn't where my glasses shielded my face so I just know I guess.) Meningitis is a long term fear of mine though so anything that could be a symptom really freaks me out.

14-07-18, 20:41
Mine didn’t itch, I put some after sun/moisturiser on and it was gone in the morning

14-07-18, 20:50
Mine didn’t itch, I put some after sun/moisturiser on and it was gone in the morning

I've put some moisturiser on so I'm hoping mine will go soon too. Thanks for replying it has helped me. I've been doing really well with health anxiety for a while and this just tipped me over for some reason. I locked myself in my room and I'm just having a freak out. I hate it. So it means a lot hearing your experience, cos I just feel like I can't tell my roommate or anyone else.