View Full Version : Dislocated toe man am I panicking

Clydesdale Epona
14-07-18, 23:01
Hi this isn't seeking any advice in particular but me venting really because I'm just so scared I guess.

So my baby toe really hurts and feels like its dislocated I can feel it out of place and it was numb earlier.

However nobody is taking it seriously and aren't willing to take me to A and E, just minor injuries in the morning.

I don't know if it can wait that long so it's terrifying me while everyone else sleeps soundly :/ I just IDK what to do I really don't want to lose the toe or it cause nerve damage to the rest of my foot :(

Any tips on how to relax and calm down? I'm so stressed ATM :/

14-07-18, 23:02
Why do you think it is dislocated and what did you do to it?

14-07-18, 23:08
How did it happen, did you bang it? Personally I'd just rest your foot, maybe put some ice on it, take some painkillers and forget about it.

Clydesdale Epona
14-07-18, 23:09
I hit it really hard against a doorframe(yep me being me haha)
I have dislocated my baby toe a few times before and it feels rather the same.
Extremely painful, went completely numb earlier completely dead but now we're back to painful and tingling.

It feels out of place too and really just gross and it's hard to bend

14-07-18, 23:10
So what did you do before when it happened?

Clydesdale Epona
14-07-18, 23:14
I was just walking really and as usual didn't Have good spacial awareness and hit it, right after It felt dislocated out of place and really really painful then it went numb for a while and I couldn't feel anything and it's gone back to really painful.
I've always gone straight to A and E for my dislocation but can't do anything tonight and IDK what's gonna happen I assume the worst :/

14-07-18, 23:19
I have broken my little toe before and they won't do anything.

Just strap it up with the toe next to it and see how it is tomorrow.

Clydesdale Epona
14-07-18, 23:22
I am resting it and applying ice which is the best I can do just really worried as I know a dislocation needs to be seen rather quickly :/

14-07-18, 23:26
Surely you can tell if it is dislocated or not?

Clydesdale Epona
14-07-18, 23:30
Yeah there is a chance it may not be but I have dislocated my baby toe once or twice and it does feel exactly the same and just as painful :/

14-07-18, 23:33
ok well then you need to get someone to put it back into place I guess

Clydesdale Epona
14-07-18, 23:38
I can't get anywhere until tomorrow sadly

14-07-18, 23:39
well strap it up then and go tomorrow if that is all you can do.

Clydesdale Epona
15-07-18, 22:36
Just thought I'd update :)

Managed to get to Minor Injuries this afternoon woo-hoo!

Was quickly popped back and buddy taped to another however that turned out to be real tight and I have since taken that off, should I leave it for now while I get tape or push a big plaster overnight? Don't want to cause more damage :/

Overall though I'm fine now and you can leave dislocations longer than I thought haha

15-07-18, 23:35
You need to leave it strapped up - just some plasters will do to wrap it up

Clydesdale Epona
16-07-18, 17:17
Used plasters last night and have medical tape and cotton wool which I'm trying to use but I just can't buddy tape them with being in intense pain :/