View Full Version : Lump under ear and intense pain.

14-07-18, 23:20
About four days ago my left jaw started hurting out of the blue. I thought it was an ear infection because the ear infection I had last year had the same kind of pain. I made a doctors appointment and she looked in my ear and saw no problems. She told me if the pain doesn't go away to come back and she will refer me to an ENT. Well after my visit the pain started to go away, then a few hours later it came back worse than ever. I noticed a pea-sized lump directly under my ear hole. It's not like a swollen lymph node that pops up behind your ear during an ear infection. It's more towards the front of my jaw. The past few days have been miserable. It's some of the worst pain i've ever felt. I can't sleep or even open my jaw/chew. It's a constant pain with the occasional shooting pains. I can't hear anything out of my left ear except my pulse. It's so sore to the touch. I have no idea what's going on so i'm terrified. My follow up appointment is on Monday but i'm scared to wait until then. I've looked online a little bit and a lot of websites say TMJ, but does TMJ cause lumps? It seems like all of my pain is coming from the lump. I'm sorry if this post is hard to read, i'm going on no sleep and i'm starving. :(

14-07-18, 23:56
Sounds like swollen glands, can be from a number of things... including nothing & most of which, close to nothing. I had that to the point where i couldn’t open my jaw without excruciating pain and you know what it was? ... swimmers ear! Don’t panic unless you have to!

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