View Full Version : I don’t know what to do anymore.

15-07-18, 09:41
Hi everyone,

Haven't posted for ages, little bit about me, 30 years old, have had on and off anxiety since I was about 15, at its worst I was agoraphobic but touch wood I haven't been that bad in years.

Since early 2015 I've been struggling but managing to get through the days and have stayed in my job and have continued as normal as I possibly can.

The symptoms I have are pressure around my eyes and forehead/Bridge of nose, twitching around the eyes and face accompanied by on and off headaches which I get on average 3 days a week and a general feeling of doom and gloom. Before when I got headaches I could pop a couple of panadol and they'd be gone, these ones however won't shift and when they are bad they are really bad.

I also get waves of bad fatigue which seem to be there almost every day regardless of how much sleep I get. My appetite has been fine, I was sleeping ok up until a few weeks ago, don't feel down or anything just more frustrated at it knowing what this is and the amount of time it's been here. I've been to the doctors and have had blood and sinus tests to no avail.

Has anyone else encountered similar? Could it all really be down to stress/anxiety? Has anyone else had similar issues? Would be great to hear of any advice on this.

Much appreciated.

15-07-18, 10:45
it's amazing how stress can effect the body it can manifest in all sorts of ways. I think if you've been to the Dr and he can't find a physical reason for the symptoms then it's a high probability that these are caused by anxiety.
Wishing you relief

15-07-18, 11:33
Sounds like stress! Not downplaying this at all... everything you’re feeling feels very scary and real but in reality to me it sounds like stress headaches and other ways stress takes a toll on your body... hope you’re feeling better soon!

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