View Full Version : GAD, Health Anxiety and OCD. Help!!!!

15-07-18, 11:19
Hi everyone. Hope your having a good day.
I'm not sure when it started, my dad died 2years ago unexpectedly which tore my world apart. I don't think that was the corse of my GAD however I think it started me health anxiety.
Anyway cut short to Jan this year, driving to work and wham pressure in throat and bad sensation in legs. Felt woozy and spaced out, and they sent me home.
Got signed of of work for 2weeks with anxiety and everyday since has been unbearable.
My health anxiety is through the roof and been to my doctors about 10-15 times this year.
Firstly they thought I had IBD as my bloods showed all the factors its not but its still being investigated but my consultants are pretty sure it's just IBS.
Then I started to convince I had bowel cancer when they found I didn't I convinced myself it was another cancer. I Google all the time so in the eyes of Google I do have every cancer going..
Then last week I found a breast lump so I'm on a 2ww referral and have a clinic appointment next week. I'm petrified and a little ocd has kicked in. Great another shit thing to live with.
Anyway I'm finding life pretty poo at the mo, I have an amazing husband and 3 beautiful daughters, and I still find each day a struggle. Not in a life ending way but in I don't want to get out of bed way.
Well I've probably bored you all to death but if anyone can provide a glimmer of hope or share a similar story please do or want to know more about my journey please write away. Thanks

15-07-18, 11:30
Hi! I’m sorry that your struggling so much right now!! I’m younger so my circumstances are a little different but in a generalized sense i understand!! For the past 4 weeks my panic attacks have come back full swing and I’ve had multiple a day and even ones that last 12 hours!! It’s hard to get out of bed when you’re feeling like this. I’m not a doctor so I’m unable to diagnose anything but it sounds like you’re feeling hopeless with the anxiety and found yourself in depression as a result which is completely normal.

I do want to ask... do you have anxiety, health anxiety, panic attacks... what type of stuff do you have going on.. it will be easier to give advice!!

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