View Full Version : Still worried—lymph nodes

15-07-18, 20:19
I have lymph nodes that I can feel, 1 in groin was investigated, and I’ve had my neck and collar bone area ultrasounded 4 times I can still feel lymph nodes above each collar bone. No they haven’t grown yes they are soft and very moveable, but I shouldn’t be able to feel them there

In dec I had a random blood transfusions bc my iron was 8 ... I’m worried it was the cover of something else going on and I’m not having it investigated probably

15-07-18, 20:27
I see you posted about this before:


15-07-18, 20:38
Yes I have, i can still feel them and it makes me nervous and just think and under cause if being missed

15-07-18, 20:46
I shouldn’t be able to feel them there

Why? What makes you think nodes should be able to be felt? :huh:

Positive thoughts

15-07-18, 21:00
Everything I’ve read said you should not be able to palpate supraclavicle nodes

15-07-18, 21:36
Everything I’ve read....

From November of 2017....
Had my appt with the radiologist...the nurse said he specializes in ultrasound. He was not concerned about the look or apperence of the left clavicle node and said he didn’t want to do an FNA...

As the POTUS is so fond of saying....



Positive thoughts

15-07-18, 22:53
I get it trust me I come in here filled with fear but all of that was before my blood transfusions. What is the lymph nodes are indolent and
My anemia is a side effect of if. Just scary that’s all...