View Full Version : Chemical Pregnancy and Worried

15-07-18, 21:08
Found out i was pregnant last week and I have been freaking out. It would’ve been my second pregnancy, I chose to terminate the first one, and I spent the entire week panicking, stressing, having such bad anxiety. I stayed bleeding at a doctors appointment on Friday and the entire weekend has been hell. So much blood, lining, clots...the cramps are horrendous. I had blood work done Friday which showed my levels at 5ul and I just left the hospital after doing more blood work today. I am also worried about my white cell count. It came back at 6.5. The normal range is 3.1 to 11 as it says on the test info online so I know it’s in normal range but theee years ago it was 8.5. Should I be concerned? Is there something else going on? I’m freaking out. I’ve also been worried about a bladder infection. This whole week I’ve been feeling like I have to pee a lot and the urgency is pretty bad. Everyone I talked to said it’s from the hormones in my body. It’s seems to come and go, the intense feelings of having to pee all the time but I’m scared maybe I’ve had an infection and didn’t know it and it’s in my blood or something. I’m also having a lot of anxiety about what if my stress and fear and not really wanting to be pregnant triggered the miscarriage...

15-07-18, 21:23
I can hear your mind racing. Try to slow it down.

First things first...no , not wanting a baby does not cause miscarriage. Second, normal range is normal range, and you are not even on the high side of that range, so why are you leaping to "BAD"?

Third, when you say everyone is telling you the bladder infection symptoms are from hormones, who is "everyone?" Are they doctors? THe bladder issues is a simple test so, if you haven't already, get a test for UTI. There is no sense speculating.

I am sorry you are so stressed but the signs point to a run of the mill miscarriage with a possible UTI. I had a chemical pregnancy several years go now, and I passed big clots and I was pretty sick and dizzy from it.

Give your body time to settle down, and your thoughts time to settle down. I don't know why you want to keep racing to something other than this being a pregnancy thing. I understand it- during my last pregnancy (which was a shock to say the least), my thoughts kept running to cancer instead of the most reasonable answer- that I as actually pregnant. The most reasonable answer for you is you are miscarrying, and even early ones wreak havoc. And get the bladder infection checked out!

This will pass. Try to rest and do what you can to calm and quiet yourself.

15-07-18, 23:17
Thank you for your clarity. Seriously. I’ve stressed my poor husband out and he’s so worried I won’t just realize everything is fine.

I think the white blood cell thing freaks me out because I looked it up and it said a low count can indicate infection or disease. But I mean rationally 6.5 isn’t that low it’s like over the medium point.

Deep down I know I didn’t cause this but it I was so overwhelmed and stressed and upset that we didn’t plan the pregnancy that I wished it didn’t happen because I’m not reash and then the bleeding started. After choosing termination the first time I have the same feelings. It’s liek relief and then sadness and confusion. If that makes sense.

I went and had a urine test on Friday but I just found out today that the sample was contaminated and at the lab today I was like well can I do another sample and the technician was like we will have to wait for your doctor to order it tomorrow. Since it’s sunday here. Would bladder infection symptoms come and go? Like this morning I didn’t feel it as much or really at all and now that my cramps are back it feels like the symptoms are back.

How long do you think my hormones are going to be this wild? Everything feels magnified.

16-07-18, 02:15
No, the 6.5 does not seem low to me at all. It is right in the middle.

I can't answer your questions about the UTI/bladder infection. I only had one one time, and it cleared itself within 24 hours.

I hope your hormones stabilize soon, and the cramping stops. The definitely magnify everything times a cachillion. I know how a chemical pregnancy feels. When I had mine, I wasn't trying and definitely didn't want a baby...but...it was still sad. I remember, my husband was away on a guy's trip, I put my kids to bed, and just cried my eyes out alone. It's okay to be confused by this-- even if you aren't ready, it is still a loss and it's expected that you would feel something, even if it is also a relief. I totally get it!

You will get through this! You will.