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15-07-18, 21:09
Got took into A&e by ambulance after fainting today while at the seaside. I was told things all checked out but my phospherous reading was low. At the time my bp was low but my diabetes reading was ok but had palpatations.
Now im feeling anxiety and my blood sugar has gone up to push things higher. Having been told I have no problems im very stressed and frightened to move about especially leaving the house.

15-07-18, 21:46
I passed out today when I was at the seaside. Took into hospital to check on palpatations I was getting, I have these now and then but the paramedics wanted it looked along with my low blood pressure for which I am on meds for it normally being high. After all the checks in hospital they said things were ok but I'm feeling anxious about going out.

15-07-18, 21:51

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19-07-18, 13:22
4 days after my faint and I'm now stressing about going out and googling which is also causing major stress as I'm reading all the possible scenarios on having such an event. Has anybody had these feelings and if they did are they over it or feeling like me?

19-07-18, 13:24
That must have been really scary.
Great though that you’ve been told you’re ok, so you need to keep focusing on that. Can someone go out with you at first?

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20-07-18, 13:45
Thanks for replying. We took the dog for a walk last night before watching a tv programme set in Hastings called Foyle and I realised I had relaxed for a while. It felt so good before it all kicked back in at about 3am when I had a coughing fit so the stress levels were going this morning again.

21-07-18, 06:01
Well you proved to yourself that you can relax again. You’re recovering from a shock, so you will be on edge for a few days. Be gentle ok yourself.

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06-12-18, 21:20
Another 6 hours and ambulance ride to a&e after fainting. Had monitors, bloods, ct scan etc and said i was ok and no problems but passing out when going out destroys my confidence and i feel shattered. I am diabetic type 2 which wasn't a problem and bp was fine thanks to the meds I take for it being high. What is causing my problem though ?

06-12-18, 21:29
Hey Kestrel,

I'm so sorry to hear about your experiences, it's absolutely understandable that you're afraid! Has anyone been with you when you passed out? Do you remember anything before passing out? Are you having any follow up appointments? I'd make an appointment with your GP and discuss it with him so that he could run some tests. It is probably nothing serious but if you have passed out twice now it should be investigated.

Lots of love xx

06-12-18, 22:49
I've been having tests regularly and the hospital was thorough. My wife has been with me when i fainted and thinks it's due to anxiety attacks. something she experienced when young.

08-12-18, 00:34
Bless you. Are you having treatment for your anxiety? X

08-12-18, 09:44
Filled with anxiety after my fainting as I don't want to go anywhere. Giddy, wobbly, hot flushes and feeling unwell in spells as I can't relax. Trying to get more positive but it all keeps drifting back taking over my thoughts.

08-12-18, 09:45
It's completely understandable that you feel this way Kestrel. Are you having any treatment for your anxiety?

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08-12-18, 09:49
I take 20mg citalopram and several bp meds and recently added gliclozide for diabetes.

08-12-18, 09:51
Have you had any talking therapy? Perhaps you need to request a medication review if your anxiety is still so severe despite some medication. X

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08-12-18, 09:55
Just starting therapy by phone from a phycologist.

08-12-18, 11:34
That's great news! I hope that you find therapy successful [emoji3531]

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08-12-18, 11:51
Thanks Emma hope your feeling better.

08-12-18, 22:24
Thanks lovely. I've had a really good day today. The first in a while! How has your day been? X

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10-12-18, 09:07
The usual ups and downs. It's hard work to deal with it all at the moment but my son popped round with his family and went to see my daughter and kids earlier. Also convinced myself to give the dog a walk. Feel threatened by fear a lot but trying to not let it win.

10-12-18, 12:23
That's the best thing you can do Kestrel. Try to reduce its hold on you. Well done. Xx

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11-12-18, 08:50
I asked the doctor who treated me in the hospital if my bp meds should be altered but he told me they were fine, so why the fainting but after all the checks he said my physical health is fine but why faint on the basis I'm ok.

11-12-18, 15:00
Fainting is usually caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure but yours was ok?
Although the palps would have kept it up, I would have thought.

Have you asked the dr point blank why you are fainting if everything comes back as normal.

11-12-18, 22:17
Told me I was fit and didn't need any treatment. All the tests were positive except my sodium level was a little low and advised I eat a little more salt in my diet.

10-03-19, 20:59
Having fainted in July and December and being passed fit at the hospital should I visit my gp for further investigation or do l accept it's ok. I have tried counselling their advice was to go back to the places it happened to get my confidence back as I find it difficult to go far from home now.