View Full Version : Head pressure. Sinus? Something more serious?

15-07-18, 21:55
For about 6 days now I've had dizziness/light headedness neck pain/stiffness and it feels like my head is heavy and just a feeling of pressure. Around my eyes, above my nose, down my nose, upper teeth and jaws sometimes as well. It feels like a sinus infection in a way but I have no mucus or congestion. Should I be concerned about brain swelling or something? Because that kind of freaks me out. I have two little ones and just want to feel better. I've had a lot of unexplained health issues lately and with no insurance it's hard to get to the bottom of things. I do have a painful muscle is my neck/shoulder as well. This feeling is just starting to freak me out.

16-07-18, 09:17
Hello Rb,

I can identify with what you say, as I have been having similar symptoms myself after changing meds about 3 months ago.

I have pain in my ears, fullness behind my nose and in my sinuses and a swimmy head. Both an ENT surgeon and my psychiatrist think it’s caused by anxiety. It now comes and goes. I can have days in a row when I feel better.

My anxiety has never presented lik this before.

Hope you find relief from it soon.

16-07-18, 17:21
Thank you. Have you found anything that seems to help you? I have been taking CBD oil. Not currently on any anxiety medications. I'm just hoping it's something simple, even anxiety, rather than something complicated like a brain issue. I'm just so paranoid about it. Thank you for some reassurance and well wishes. It is much appreciated!!!

16-07-18, 17:49
All I do is try and push on through it. I have noticed several times that if something stressful happens, it gets worse, so I am convinced it is anxiety.
Like you, I feel it in my jaw too, and think I am clenching my jaw.

Hope yours doesn’t last as long as mine!

16-07-18, 20:23
Hi! I am 15 and I have been getting this weird head pressure along with the same feeling sometimes in my jaw and neck for weeks now! The head pressure is usually with other symptoms, too:( I also have weird dizzy, lightheaded sensations and feelings as well. I get this sinking feeling in my gut/chest, and then weird lightheaded sensations in my head, idk how to explain it, its really weird. And I am freaking out! LIke im so scared. Right now actually I have it and I notice that I am tense and my breathing is poor which makes me more worried. But! I think you are going to be ok, because well, it can be from anxiety. there is a website about it if you type in anxiety head pressure, it will say: anxiety can easily cause head pressure-calm clinic:)

I hope you feel better soon!
I know how you feel:(