View Full Version : vision worries

16-07-18, 04:05
i am really, really struggling right now and could use some support.

so ive had health anxiety for a long time, and it often focused on my vision as i do have some vision issues. i have suffered from flashes in my eyes since i was 16. they are basically arcs of light that come down into my peripheral vision for a second. i get them in both eyes. i have been to lots of eye doctors who havent seen any issues with my retina except for some thinning around the edges, and basically dont know why i get the flashes but say my eyes look healthy.

in the past few months, ive had multiple vision symptoms including increased starbursts from lights at night especially while driving including headlights, streetlights, etc. also rays of light coming up from any object where light is coming from when i look from a certain angle at the bottom of my vision (i know that sounds weird but it doesnt only happen when im checking my vision - if light is reflecting off of something that i see from the bottom of my eye it looks weird)

anyway, i have spiraled out of control with my health anxiety in the past few months due to the increase in flashes and other vision symptoms. ive been to an optometrist and three ophthalmologists in the past two months - all of whom have given me a clean bill of health and basically said see ya in a year.

i am going out of my mind with anxiety. i made an appointment with a retina specialist but i couldnt get in with them until mid august so i have to wait about a month for that appointment. i have a GP appointment at the beginning of august where im planning on bringing up my concerns as well.

i got myself down a rabbit hole tonight with googling. i convinced myself i have retinitis pigmentosa and am going blind. i feel like theres no other option. i dont know how to cope with this and am having thoughts of trying to schedule an emergency opthamologist appt tomorrow although i feel like it won't do any good. on top of that, i feel like everyone in my life is sick of me and hearing about my anxiety. i called my mom and best friend and i feel like they dont know what to say. and i cant blame them - im sick of me too but unfortunately i live here and cant escape lol.

i dont know exactly what i want but if anyone has been through similar issues or can offer some support/encouragement i would really appreciate it.

p.s. i do go to therapy weekly and am in the process of finding a psychiatrist to try and get on meds because i do think that will be helpful.

16-07-18, 04:14
I’m of no help really but just to say I have that exact thing you are talking about with the light at the bottom of visual field. I get that too all the time. I’m sure everything is ok but since you are very sensitive to your vision right now, you are noticing every little weird nuance. I can totally relate to that as well. Hugs!

16-07-18, 04:28
thank you so much for your reply, it means a lot !! :hugs: