View Full Version : My anxiety is so bad i want to die

16-07-18, 10:25
Every single freaking day i feel like i'm dying. I feel like i'm being smothered, and my breathing is off. my hands tingle, i can't concentrate, and it's been severe for as long as i can remember. I don't have energy anymore to fight it. The only thing keeping me alive is people in my life and the dreadful idea of a bullet passing through my brain.
I write this in the hope of getting help, but i'm fairly certain my existence is going to be hell as long as i live. It just doesn't get better for some people.

16-07-18, 11:01
it can get better its a hard long road but if you're willing to walk it you can do it,most of us have been were you our now its pure hell you firstly need to realise it cant kill you its not something sinister go and get some cbt help from professionals and see your doctor believe you will get better change that thought to l am going to get better but believe good luck keep going xx :hugs:

16-07-18, 12:04
I think slot of us can relate to this feeling but it definitly can get better I’ve experienced it! Yes sometimes we will get set back but there’s hope of getting better hang in there and get some help with cbt or even relaxation vids on YouTube (I’ve tried before)

16-07-18, 12:12
You guys are awesome, thank you. Wish i could give you guys a hug :bighug1:
I need more people in my life. It's good for us all.

16-07-18, 12:46
My mom called her anxiety "the devil". I haven't heard a better more accurate description yet.

Looking back, my grandmother had anxiety, I know my mom, I truly believe I inherited the anxiety gene, and now I see it in my youngest son.

My anxiety feels very personal and that makes me feel isolated and alone. Because of how I feel, I am talking to my son about his anxiety. I want him to know it's real, it's a "thing" in our family, I try to lighten it up and apologize for "passing it on" to him.

Anxiety can be extremely difficult to keep under control... expecially when it screams.. you are the ONLY one who feels like this.

Anxiety lies to us. We're not alone, you're not alone. No matter how it twists and turns our thoughts, we are suffering this beast together.

16-07-18, 19:44
Please try and do what you can to lift yourself out of this. Are you seeing anyone about your anxiety? That's the biggest step you can take toward your recovery. You can and will get better.

I know how debilitating anxiety, especially health anxiety, is. Something that is really helping me is thinking that our body knows to warn us when something is wrong. As long as we're treating it well, the body does a lot of work for us to fight off illnesses.

Please know you're not alone, your life is worth living, you've got people who love and care about you and want you to be better. And you can and will get better. Treatment is a great first step. Even if you can't get it straight away there's a lot of self-help online. I recommend checking out The Anxiety Guy channel on YT.

Lots of love and light, you'll get through this I promise!


17-07-18, 14:44
I know the feeling. I've been a part of this forum for a couple of years now. I've tried several different antidepressents and anti anxiety meds. It's such a struggle. Right now I am dealing with shaking. It's not a new symptom but it's reared it's ugly head. The only thing keeping me alive is my husband and sweet little 7 year old. He doesn't deserve to see me like this. I feel like such a failure in life.