View Full Version : Severe sharp/throbbing pain all over my body. Feeling miserable

16-07-18, 21:37
Hello guys since the last two weeks I'm getting pain all over my body parts again, yes again. Look I have had lots of physical symptoms throughout these last 5 years making me think of many illnesses. Last year at this same period of time I got the same. Shooting pains in my back, lower back, hands, knees, legs, feet, head, chest my WHOLE body hurts :(. When I got back to college the pain gradually dissapeared until it stopped completely but then on winter break last december/january it started again only in the form of headaches and incredibly painful shooting in my left eye. I've had blood tests last year and on earlier march for blood count, protein, liver function, rheumathoid factor and they were all normal. This always coincides with the time I'm off school. But since I have anxiety and depression it's hard for me to believe that is the sole cause. The pain came back three weeks ago and also the annoying multiple pvcs in a row. The pain is so severe right now it comes suddenly and starts stabbing I feel like I'm gonna pass out or something, I also feel likr droplets of water on my body (paresthesia) I'm starting to think I have MS or fibromyalgia, I feel so bad guys don't know if this is due to my mental health issues but as I stated before these symptoms rarely happen when I'm studying. I have a very sedentary lifestyle, dont exercise, dont go out, I haven't left my house for a month not even my front street. I'm so scared and I cry everyday cause nobody really understands me. I also think I could have pneumonia, an aneurysm, methastasized ovary, colon cancer or lymphoma (God forbid). I feel awful. I feel like a dejavu cause my crisis always have happened when I'm on vacations since the anxiety started when I was 17. At this time I feel so alone cause I study in another city and I don't see my friends or do something productive or have a boyfriend for going out or talking. I'm in my house all day everyday doing the same things since mid may of this year. I feel so weak like I'm already losing. When I press my stomach I feel a sharp pain and nausea. Why does this happen? Is it really my anxirty striking again? I'm really tired of this I just wanna enjoy my life as a 22 yr old :(

16-07-18, 22:15
It sounds like common anxiety really. Nerves, muscle tension, etc create strange sensations, then you begin to dwell on them. It’s made worse by not doing anything. Try keeping yourself busy and see how you feel.

17-07-18, 02:05
It sounds like common anxiety really. Nerves, muscle tension, etc create strange sensations, then you begin to dwell on them. It’s made worse by not doing anything. Try keeping yourself busy and see how you feel.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I know anxiety can cause all sort of symptoms I have had too many but it's like my mind won't stop making me feel like there's something really wrong with me. Every single day I jump from fear to fear, in half an hour I "had" 5 different cancers just because I had a strong pelvic pain. I just can't think of my future anymore cause I think I'm terminal or something. My last blood tests were on march and now I'm scared if I'm ordered for more, I fear they will finally show something sinister! I hate this! Yeah that's what i'm trying to do, finding a part time job or summer classes but I feel very low right now :(