View Full Version : Why am I so worried? (Acid Reflux)

16-07-18, 22:03
Hi all! Ughh. I am having a rough few days. I get myself so worried about every small symptom to the point that I am crying and it ruins the day for me. I am in therapy so it’s being managed but it’s just difficult. Last month I had strep and I FREAKED out before I knew what it was. Anyways, I’ve been having indigestion and the globus sensation (feeling of something in throat), and I’ve kept having to burp (sorry to be gross) and kept doing that and kept not being able to get it out. It felt like food took a while to go down but maybe because I was thinking about it more. Today I got a really bad burning feeling in my throat/chest that felt like the stomach acid maybe or something. It scared me so much. I was so upset. I’m young and healthy but I’m nervous. My mom said if it still hurts in a few weeks we will make an appt with a GI. I wish I didn’t get so nervous about everything. I have a family history of IBS and GERD / Acid Reflux, and really bad anxiety. I guess what made it worse too was that I have a missed period also so I’m like what could be wrong with me. I know it’s okay. It just freaks me out. I’ve been googling and I know I’m really not supposed to. I wish I could just calm myself down and stop being so worried. :( I feel crazy. I’m worried that something really wrong is wrong with me, but I always am. I get myself so upset. I know this type of thing is common. Ugh. Thanks to any replies and I’m sorry if I sound ridiculous:(

16-07-18, 22:25
Yup, these are all the symptoms of acid reflux made worse by anxiety. You need to see the doctor if this is an ongoing problem for you. In the meantime eat slightly smaller meals, and avoid high fat cheese, ice cream, and processed tomato sauce. Also don't eat after 7pm to let your food digest before you sleep. Keep a mental note of what foods you are eating, your anxiety levels, and when you overeat or eat late. You should be able to see a pattern. Acid reflux can be quite horrific, really uncomfortable, and tiring but there is lots you can do to improve it.

16-07-18, 22:26
I’ve been getting the same exact thing recently, it always happens when I get nervous or stressed but then when I stop thinking about it it goes away. I feel the same way as you and you just have to realize that it’s just the anxiety