View Full Version : Terrified of fiberglass insulation!

17-07-18, 04:05
My home is fairly new. It was built in 2012. But yesterday we had some bad roof leakage after a bad storm. We had a person come out today, and he did the standard protocol (cut hole in ceiling in bathroom where leak was the worst, place dehumidifier, and industrial fan on another spot in master bedroom. My issue (and fear) is this. Bits of insulation have fallen on the floor in the bathroom. Fairly big chunks actually. I知 panicking over it. It was on our bathroom counters and in the bathtub as well. My mind is telling me everything is covered in fiberglass, and I致e already decided I知 no longer sleeping in my bedroom/entering my bedroom until the hole in the master bath is patched. I want to be able too, but it triggers a panic attack every time. My husband works with this stuff all the time and he is obviously telling me I知 being ridiculous- and I know that I am- but I can稚 shake the fear that I値l touch it and ingest it, or accidentally inhale it. Basically our entire master bed/bath is dead to me right now and I was hoping to find some additional logic and reasoning to talk me down from this.

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17-07-18, 07:47
I'm an electrical engineer, and I literally crawl around in this stuff every day. It's fine, the dust from old stuff will give you a cough though.

17-07-18, 13:22
If your husband, who works with the material all the time isn't worried, what can anyone here say that will be your "Ah Ha" moment? You admit to your irrationality so it's not a matter of reassurance as much as it's a matter of accepting the reality as spoken by your husband and what you know deep down.

Positive thoughts