View Full Version : New Job Anxiety

17-07-18, 15:45
I started a new job yesterday, it's only 4 hours a day (I have a small child) so I thought it couldn't be very stressful. Well I was wrong! Apart from the 2 business owners, I'm the only other employee. It was meant to be an admin assistant position but within the first hour of being there they had me leading a software project which I'm really struggling with as I don't even understand the basics of the business. I'm struggling with their expectation of me, I just wanted a nice easy office job which is how it was advertised.

We really need the money, and I don't want to be a let down (even though my husband is really supportive), but I literally feel sick at the thought of work, and that I now have to go to this place daily.

I'm hoping that as time goes on, the job will become more comfortable? But I feel so much anxiety over the fact it has started so so negatively and at a time where my anxiety was manageable, it's suddenly made me want to lock my bedroom door and never leave :weep: I dunno whether to look for another job already? I feel like such a let down.

19-07-18, 15:56
well first off please don't feel like a let down in any way at all!! You're doing amazingly well to even get a job when you also have the responsibility of a family.
I'm sure it will get better as you learn more, it was only the first day so nobody expects you to take to a new role easily. We all need time to adjust.
I hope it gets better and keep telling yourself how proud you should be that you're just being there

22-07-18, 20:48
Hi Lauren I would talk to them and see if you got the wrong end of the stick about the job or their expectations. Plenty more jobs out there if it doesn’t work out.