View Full Version : Just pooped a stool with some red bits in it

17-07-18, 23:10
Hi, I'm 13 and male and have posted two other times on this forum. So, what happened was I just pooped and there were some red bits on it. My mom took a bit I prodded around at it for a bit, and the red bits seem like something resembling tomato or watermelon flesh, but certainly not blood. Could it be blood mixed with mucus or something? I think my mom already flushed the small poop sample.

17-07-18, 23:13
That's tomato. No doubt about it.

17-07-18, 23:17
Why are you examining your poo?

17-07-18, 23:18
That's tomato. No doubt about it.

Could it also be grapefruit? I only had a small bit of tomato yesterday, but I had quite a lot of grapefruit. My mom also says it kinda seemed like there were separate druplets (if that's what you call them) almost.

(sorry, forgot to mention that originally)

17-07-18, 23:20
Could be grapefruit but almost definitely tomato. Really does not look like blood. Not one bit.

17-07-18, 23:22
Why are you examining your poo?

this ^^^^^^

17-07-18, 23:23
Could be grapefruit but almost definitely tomato. Really does not look like blood. Not one bit.

That's also what I thought; it's not wet blood, if it were with mucus it would be both colors, and it also just didn't look like blood. Thanks for confirming!

Also, I was examining it because 1) ongoing fear of colon cancer 2) I just happened to see it.

17-07-18, 23:26
You won't have colon cancer at 13 trust me.

17-07-18, 23:42
Why are you examining your poo?


This is SO OCD HA!


Positive thoughts

18-07-18, 00:32
I just flush and go :shades:

18-07-18, 02:13
I just flush and go :shades:

Sometimes I have to do a courtesy flush before finishing to help get the smell out! :scared15:

I can honestly say, I've NEVER closely examined my poo. I've looked in the bowel but never taken it out. I cannot begin to imagine the mindset that would make one want to do that. Some have taken photos and post them on the internet (happens here a bit). I don't believe I've ever discussed my poo in the detail I see it discussed here! :lac:

Positive thoughts and poo threads

18-07-18, 02:20
I've looked in the bowel but never taken it out.

Positive thoughts and poo threads

How the devil did you look in your own bowel? :ohmy:

Your talents boggle the mind :roflmao:

19-07-18, 10:54
Sometimes I have to do a courtesy flush before finishing to help get the smell out! :scared15:

I can honestly say, I've NEVER closely examined my poo. I've looked in the bowel but never taken it out. I cannot begin to imagine the mindset that would make one want to do that. Some have taken photos and post them on the internet (happens here a bit). I don't believe I've ever discussed my poo in the detail I see it discussed here! :lac:

Positive thoughts and poo threads

With respect Fishmanpa, you've obviously not suffered from health anxiety regarding your bowels. Anyone who does the things you mentioned above probably feels absolutely ashamed of what their anxiety makes them do. If somebody had told me 20 years ago that I would be obsessed with my excrement and doing the things i've done I would have been incredulous and probably wouldn't believe them. Honestly, I don't choose to be this way.

19-07-18, 12:11
With respect Fishmanpa, you've obviously not suffered from health anxiety regarding your bowels. Anyone who does the things you mentioned above probably feels absolutely ashamed of what their anxiety makes them do. If somebody had told me 20 years ago that I would be obsessed with my excrement and doing the things i've done I would have been incredulous and probably wouldn't believe them. Honestly, I don't choose to be this way.

You have a very valid point. My bowels have been a mess since treatment and even at that, closely examining my poo never occurred to me. I would imagine having this fascination with bowel movements and poo and having emetophobia would be even more challenging! Until I joined the forum I never knew this existed thus my fascination with this behavior

How the devil did you look in your own bowel? :ohmy:

Your talents boggle the mind :roflmao:

Talk about a slip of the finger! :ohmy::roflmao:

Positive thoughts and poo threads

19-07-18, 13:04
You have a very valid point. My bowels have been a mess since treatment and even at that, closely examining my poo never occurred to me. I would imagine having this fascination with bowel movements and poo and having emetophobia would be even more challenging! Until I joined the forum I never knew this existed thus my fascination with this behavior

Talk about a slip of the finger! :ohmy::roflmao:

Positive thoughts and poo threads

I also never knew such a thing existed, I wish I still didn't. I've has ibs for almost 30 years and in the early years I didn't stress about it all but as I get older I worry more and more.

19-07-18, 13:41
Rainbow, you're not at more risk of bowel cancer by having an IBS diagnosis but being hyper-focussed on your bowels certainly won't help your IBS symptoms so that alarms you and then you think more about BC and so on and so on...

If you had a colonoscopy would that help you in any way? I know you don't go to the doctor's about this and this procedure shouldn't be done for reassurance but I just wondered whether you would believe the results if hypothetically you were to have one done?

19-07-18, 16:54
Rainbow, you're not at more risk of bowel cancer by having an IBS diagnosis but being hyper-focussed on your bowels certainly won't help your IBS symptoms so that alarms you and then you think more about BC and so on and so on...

If you had a colonoscopy would that help you in any way? I know you don't go to the doctor's about this and this procedure shouldn't be done for reassurance but I just wondered whether you would believe the results if hypothetically you were to have one done?

I know that i'm not more at risk because of the ibs but the ibs can scare me and that's when all my logic leaves me. As far as a colonoscopy is concerned, i'm not sure if that would be enough for me but I don't want to have one unless its absolutely necessary. My bowel issues have settled down a little but my anxiety is still high unfortunately.

19-07-18, 17:41
Do you know what would be enough for you though?

If you haven't got any red flag symptoms a responsible GP wouldn't refer you for a colonoscopy anyway but I just wondered what test/procedure would give you absolute peace of mind re BC?

19-07-18, 19:53
Well dont think there's anything other than a colonoscopy. I don't think I have any red flag symptoms but when my ibs plays up I worry. Some would say I have a change in bowel habits cos there are times when I go 3 times in a day, I have occasional diarrhea, sometimes mucus, sometimes incomplete evacuation...but, i've had all these symptoms on and off for almost 30 years. I can't get bc out of my head though.

19-07-18, 20:12
Those are just typical IBS symptoms though and if you've had them for 30 years that's even more confirmation of the diagnosis.

I know this won't convince you though-I suppose you must have a sense of foreboding? I certainly understand that.

20-07-18, 09:14
Those are just typical IBS symptoms though and if you've had them for 30 years that's even more confirmation of the diagnosis.

I know this won't convince you though-I suppose you must have a sense of foreboding? I certainly understand that.

Exactly that, a sense of foreboding a lot of the time. Not just about my health but of my family members too. This is definitely the worst my anxiety has ever been, this particular episode has been going on for 2 years now.