View Full Version : Worried about symptoms

17-07-18, 23:49
Hi all,

My issue started when I began taking steraline (zoloft) for my anxiety but I'm not sure if my issues are related to that since I started having stomach pains (kind of like period pain without being on my period) before taking them as a single symptom. But a couple of days into taking steraline the first unusual thing that happened was I started having muscle spasms down below which I was worried about since this seemed quite strange to me and couldn't find much results through googling. The next thing that happened was needing to urinate constantly which I eventually found out was a side effect of steraline. Since I was only on them for 4 days I decided to stop taking them rather than coming off them gradually. But this issue hasn't gone away and I started getting constipation issues not long after that involved frequent bowel movements but hard to pass. My symptoms calmed gradually and came back including the constipation, the frequent urination and the muscle spasms. I went to the doctors and was given the all clear for a water test and given laxatives which have helped a little with the constipation but I still have the frequent urge to urinate and the muscle spasms and I'm in constant discomfort. Since I have anxiety I'm very worried about this and google has come up with some scary things. I also have a tender lower stomach. I'm not sure if this is to do with steraline since I wasn't on them for long or if it's own problem. I usually use a water bottle on lie on my back at night to try and be more comfortable.The reason that I posted this under an anxiety/panic forum is because I've had so much anxiety concerning this issue. The reason being is when I googled my symptoms something about 'pgad' came up which terrified me because when I looked into it it sounded like torture. I also heard it can be caused by SSRIS which terrified me even more and I keep hoping it's just a coincidence. But I also read about a woman who has this illness who got muscle spasms down there on her 3rd day of taking an SSRI I don't think I actually have this though (well I really really hope not), I think I'm just seeking reassurance mostly. Because this fear is starting to consume me.
Does anybody have any theories or even have a similar experience?Could this be IBS or something because I'm not sure if I've ever heard about the spasm issues ect with IBS.

18-07-18, 00:15
Hey! I started taking Zoloft a few months ago. You know, I've been urinating much more frequently and I was wondering why. Now I'm sure it's the Zoloft!! As far as spasms go, it could be a symptoms for sure. I had some spasms on a different kind of antidepressant...and your stomach...does it feel like maybe you lifted something and pulled something in your stomach? If so, that's crazy because I felt that same way about 2 weeks ago. It was tender/sore for about 3 days. Almost like maybe I'd lifted or reached for something and pulled a muscle. It's gone now though. If you are worried, maybe see if your doctor will give you something else instead of Zoloft?

18-07-18, 00:37
I've been off the medication for a while now and was only on it for 4 days but this is still happening so I'm not sure if it can carry on for a while after or if it's something else.

My stomach feels tender but not quite like I pulled a muscle. It's more like if it's pressed I feel like I need to urinate.