View Full Version : My GP's Medical Report

01-08-07, 01:43

I recently read a copy of my doctor's medical report. I was quite shocked to see some of the things she'd been writing about me! For instance, i have difficult swallowing food/drink due to my anxiety and she's put, at least 3 times, that i have anorexia! I went to see a dietician a while ago about trying to put more weight on. Whilst there i felt my anxiety grow and grow and had a hard time just coping with that let alone concentrating on the dietician. She told my GP that i didn't seem interested. So, that's on my medical file as well. It just makes me look bad, when the actual problem was my anxiety (she did know i suffered from anxiety). Those are just a couple of examples.

I'm thinking of trying to arrange to get my file changed (if it's possible), because it just doesn't reflect my true health situation.


01-08-07, 09:21
I can completly understand. The number of reports writtian up about me that are aload of rubbish is unbeleviable. The last person i saw was convinced i was exercising obseivily, was anorexic with bulimic tendincies (even though my blood tests and weight proove this is not the case), was an alcoholic even though the person from the alcohol centre has said this is aload of crap, hurt my self on a regular scale even though i havnt done it for nearly a year now minis the odd slip up. But my real promblem, agorophobia was just forgotton and ignored. Its enough to drive you up the wall.
I have no idea how you are ment to sort it out though so let me know if you find a way.
Take care hun