View Full Version : Lyme disease? Aneurysm??

18-07-18, 01:09
Hi guys
I’ve been dealing with anxiety for years now. It started off as hypochondria, then derealization. After playing football and getting to college the derealization faded and anxiety went down quite a bit. Now that it’s summer and i know have my own place my anxiety has been through the roof.
It started after a toothache that turned out to be nothing. Then learning I’ll have to be put to sleep for wisdom teeth removal which I’m still very scared of.
Now it’s lyme disease and aneurysm. Aneurysms run in my family (aunts and uncle) and do do migraines. I have constant migraines and ones with auras.. i had a Ct scan when i was younger probably 8yrs ago, but never seen a neurologist. I have a neurologist appt next week and the thought of having an aneurysm scares me so much considering i have migraines and sharp pain.
Now it’s lyme disease... yesterday i had a huge dizzy spell which scared me. Later that night i kept feeling as i was going to pass out which was probably my anxiety making it worse. I went to the er where they said it’s probab nothing everything was fine and they didn’t think a ct would be helpful. They told me to get some fluids and i left.. after sleeping last night i was dizzy again in the morning. I was able to go to work and function, however when i think about it i get really dizzy again.
I did just start working outdoors so allergies could be a reason however i remember worrying about Lyme disease years ago since i had and still have floaters, light flashes, migraines, anxiety, etc. my family did stay in a suburb with ticks and i use to cut grass etc. i never seen a tick bite me but i did see one crawling on me one day and my grandad killed it and said there was not blood in it. I’m completely terrified i May have this.. please help

18-07-18, 13:28
You don't. You'd know if a tick had bitten you. None of your symptoms are consistent with Lyme disease

18-07-18, 13:33
All of your symptoms (dizziness, feeling like fainting) are anxiety! When I have severe anxiety, I get so dizzy (which of course makes my anxiety worse). Try to stop the cycle.