View Full Version : Back Pain And Digestive Issues :(

18-07-18, 19:45
I'm back with another round of HA :( I've been so good about keeping myself in line but after a true medical problem following a particularly bad panic attack about a skin thing (I'm totally fine btw) it is hard for me to stay rational.

About a month or so ago I started to develop bad gas pain. At the same time I was also starting a side job that had me lifting things in and out of the car.

At the time I was on Wellbutrin which was occasionally messing up my stomach and giving me IBS type issues.

Well, I got fed up with the worsening side effects of Wellbutrin on my stomach so I stopped taking it. My stomach eased up but this back pain continued.

I stopped doing the side job about a month ago, however the back pain seems worse. It's localized in the mid left part of my back.

The thing is, it's an odd pain and I can't tell if it's muscular or like a pinched nerve or if it's organ pain. It kind of comes and goes. It seems to be worse when I have gas and better after I eat a meal.

I haven't really googled because I KNOW it will send me into a full blown panic attack. But my imagination is just as bad as Dr Google.

I need to get a physical anyway, so I think I should go to the doctor just in case.

But wouldn't I have much worse symptoms if it was like Pancreatic Cancer or something super sinister??? I'm TERRIFIED of going to the doctors and waiting for tests/etc because of what happened with my skin a few years ago, and I'm going to need a Xanax just to go in for my appointment.

The only good thing is that besides this GI stuff and random pain I feel otherwise fine. I was surfing and carrying on, and the pain is like a 3-4 out of 10. Maybe the surfing made it worse?

I also know that when I get anxious about health stuff my stomach goes into absolute flips.

19-07-18, 13:32
Hello, I am sorry for your condition.

For me, something similar started about one month + some weeks ago. Stomach pain which eased but the back pain is still on and off going on. Even the location is exactly the same... mid left part of my back. I can tell you... I have had various blood tests, stool tests, colonoscopy, gastric fibroscopy and an abdominal ultrasound. Everything came back normal. I did a mistake and googled. All ways led me to Pan Cancer, but all doctors told me (GP, two gastroenterologists, radiologist) that I do not have it. Something would show up in tests. Same it will be with you. Positive energy.