View Full Version : Terrified everyday don't know what to do

18-07-18, 20:55
Hi there.

I've think I've been getting some health anxiety lately well I hope it's just health anxiety and not the actual condition I'm afraid of (if this makes any sense). I made a previous forum about some symptoms that I was having and wasn't sure if they were a result of Zoloft. I've considered IBS ect but I'm worried because my symptom started with a muscle twitch in the genital area about 2 days into zoloft. I also started getting an overactive bladder. I ignored this at first but worried when this carried on. When I googled this symptom it came up with a frighting condition called pgad which is rare but if you have it's basically game over and suffering for life. I started worrying about this but put it down to a UTI but I didn't have one. Then things got worse when I found out that SSRIS (zoloft is an ssri) can cause this condition. So I stopped taking them. I started worrying about this 24/7 but when I started getting constipation issues I linked it to this so I stopped worrying since I found out constipation can cause bladder issues. I was on holiday at the time and didn't really feel any symptoms for the rest of the holiday. Not long after returning the muscle spasms started again and become more frequent as time went on and I started panicking again. The muscle spasms kind of feel like I have to pee but I'm having them in my bottom as well.Then the constipation came back and I started to feel like this muscle spasm was spreading and I also started getting a tingling and pressure feling kind of like needing to urinate. I found out that a woman got the same first symptom that I did while taking an SSRI and she suffers from the condition through google. This really freaked me out and I had laxatives for constipation but it didn't seem to help all of my issues. I'm so terrified of this issue that I can't sleep and I haven't been eating meals, I spend the whole day panicking and googling my symptoms to try and connect differences to this condition and what I'm experiencing. I know I don't suffer as bad as people who have it but I worry about my symptoms being early signs or something. I don't feel like myself anymore and I'm too embarrassed to speak to anyone about it so that's why I'm posting it here. I'm still waiting for results for a water test that was sent off. I really hope this is just some sort of urine or bladder issue or possibly even an infection. Or mabey IBS has symptoms I don't know about . Does anybody know if I could just be panicking over nothing and have possibly something different to what I'm fearing or possibly make these symptoms worse by panicking? I do have anxiety so could I have possibly made these symptoms worse by looking into this condition? I'm desperate so any help or advise would be appreciated. I think I just need my mind to be reassured that I don't have this condition and mabey I will feel better.

19-07-18, 07:56


That's a lot of words. A lot of conditions. No paragrahps.

You have to understand how hard this is going to be for the average person here to read and help you with.

I'd highly recommend trying this again... but focusing on your overriding issue, which is health anxiety.

Start a new thread in the health anxiety section... and try to connect with people who have had success making progress towards recovery.

Do you have a therapist who speciliazes in this near you? If not, try one of the online experts like Jim Folk over at AnxietyCentre and see if they have a therapist with an opening to work with you.

Let me make you one guarantee. Listen very closely...


You need personalized help to get you off of Google, simplify this as not a problem of potential disease, but a problem of thinking. You have a thinking problem and all of your work should be boiled down to addressing this first. Basic medical care can be sought along the way. But you must simplify this ASAP.

I realize you want reassurance. We all do. But your post indicates an extreme lack of foundation in dealing with these issues. Please seek direct, experienced counciling.

Much love.

20-07-18, 14:15
Hi thanks for your reply.
I'm not entirely sure if I have health anxiety because I was diagnosed with anxiety recently (like a few weeks ago) but wasn't told which type. So it's all new to me. Although I have found some people on this forum with health anxiety who are afraid of the exact same thing as me.
But I'm on the waiting list for counseling and I'm checking up today to see how long it'll be until I'm on the top of the waiting list.
I think writing the post was a way of getting it all off my chest in the meantime if that makes sense. I think that's why my post is so rambley and all over the place because I wasn't really thinking when writing it.
But thanks for your help and advise :) Much appreciated.

20-07-18, 16:27
Two years ago I went through the same situation.
sport is the key

20-07-18, 19:48
Thanks for your reply. Did you have health anxiety as well? I'm going to the gym soom soon so hopefully that will help.