View Full Version : Brexit worries and job loses

19-07-18, 19:17
Does anybody worry about there job and potential job loses with Brexit? It’s been causing me anxiety lately.

19-07-18, 20:50
Does anybody worry about there job and potential job loses with Brexit? It’s been causing me anxiety lately.

Hi Phil06 simply answer no you don't need brexit to lose your job
and besides haven't we all got enough to worry about having anxiety
don't waste you're energy onit :D

19-07-18, 23:59
Yes the news has been stressing me lately I work in retail so that causes me anxiety :blush:

21-12-18, 16:39
Yes, I do. Actually, things have never been as bad before now. I'm told our economy is going to sink into recession levels. That idea frightens me! :scared15:

21-12-18, 17:39
Yes, I do. Actually, things have never been as bad before now. I'm told our economy is going to sink into recession levels. That idea frightens me! :scared15:

We don't truly understand the impact yet and I doubt we will for some years, conomists make mistakes in their predictions (remember the Euro?). There are bound to be losses though, just as there are now as the pound fluctuates, but I think you need to be wary of this very biased topic in the media where there is over the top doom & gloom being spread.

As for it's never been worse, it really has, a lot worse. We certainly aren't using ration books. The financial crash was worse than now, unemployment in the 80's, the miners strikes, the destruction of old industries (steel, coal and pottery in my city), etc.

Part of the question we need to ask is whether things are getting worse and they could be avoided because austerity is now an excuse. For instance, the cuts to the disabled were going on prior to the referendum, the NHS has been sinking for decades, increased homelessness, police cutbacks, the mess that is zero hour contracts and lack of social care.

A new direction does seem appropriate to tackle this. The current government don't seem interested in trying but I suppose they have been behind a lot of this (the previous Labour government too for some areas).