View Full Version : Terrible Odd Feeling Pulse Normal But Feel Weird

02-08-07, 07:08
This is my third post for tonight. I suppose im making up for lost time..I just feel so odd..My chest hurts when I breathe..But my pulse is normal.My arms
and legs feel like they are heavy but then again I get up and do things.

Im laying on my side right now..left side and well my pulse is perfect beat but it feels hard to breathe..Could you have a heart attack and your pulse be a perfect 72?

I dont usually count it..I have gotten out of the habit..I mean I got really bad before the dawn..I was staying at home not going anywhere and panicking when I was out.

Now I get out and dont even worry about my pulse and feel pretty good after getting home and making it through a trip to whereever and doing work around the house.I feel terrible today and tonight..although my wife just complained of almost the very same symptoms except being hard to breathe..

She even had a few extra ones. that i dont..so im thinking maybe its allergies and high humidity and high altitude..I hope.thats all..Just an odd overall feeling.. and it seems to be going away especially since she mentioned that she was feeling kind of weird too but i woke this morning
feeling a little hard to breathe..

Got up and got going and got better a bit.but have had a looming bad feeling all day ..Could I be aware that something bad is going to happen or am i just feeling anxious today maybe subconciously.Please help.Im worried..