View Full Version : Anxiety Dairies ..

02-08-07, 09:15
Hello as you all Know I help others on here at the moment I am helping quite a few on the phone so my time is limited for now, However they are working very hard and making amazing progress, Witherz, Simon and Bottlblonde especially so well done to them,

I see that we have a lot of new members recently so thought it may be helpful to put some pointers here just to remind peeps of what they can do to help themselves ..

1) start a anxiety diary we need to concentrate on what you do in your day what are your ahceivments and this could be anything from getting up. to washing the pots or even driving to the supermarket, we dont want to focus too much on ur anxiety or ur thoughts so for them simply -
A = anxiety scale it 0-10
T = thoughts again scale it 0 - 10

So for example - Morning , woke up A - 5 , T 4 , had breakfast fed the kiddies cleaned house then walked the dog .

See we focus on what we do NOT how we feel, but we do note our levels so we can see if there is a pattern..

if anybody needs help Pm me

2) Remember ur relaxation excersises need to be done 2 or 3 times a day PLEASE , this is a huge part of your recovery and is essential .

3) Eat well 4 small meals a day are much better than 2 or 3 big ones

4) take additional vitamins give ur body the boost it needs

5) look after yourself make sure u wash shower, shave slap the make up on make yourself feel good it does help trust me ..

6) Remember you aint alone in what your dealing with talk to people , off load your feelings, there is always someone ready to listen ..

hope this helps for Now peeps good Luck

Michelle xxxxx

02-08-07, 10:01
hi michelle,that sounds so good what you have written,really makes sense.,i have tried and tested alot of that and was coping loads better but im struggling at the moment kids off school very stressed and finding it hard to get even 5 mins on my own from morning to bed time (i have 3 children).Any relaxation tips or advice i can do while still got to carry on,anything i can do saying to myself in my head if you know what i mean,hope this make sense.The problem im having is i know im not breathing right but unless i can lie and concentrate on my breathing i cant sort it out.any tips from yourself or anybody would be great.thanks tracy:hugs:

02-08-07, 10:17

Ok i too have 4 kids so i know where you are coming from , when u feel tense check ur shoulders chances are they are up there with your ears lol drop your shoulders and take some deep breaths in and out another thing is when we have anxiety we tend to RUSH around doing things fast , make a effort to slow it down, when you are walking round the house or cleaning just tell yourself to slow it right down take your time, and relax

With the kiddes it is hard to get some ME time so remember a nice warm bath or even set a alarm to get up 30 Minutes before they do and take that as your time to relax and do some controlled breathing.

Finally i ask my clients to vizualise and kiddies roundabout the one we find on a playground imagine its spinning , usually they tell me its spinning very fast - this represents You , try to slow the roundabout down in your mind, by doing this you should feel a instant calm,

good luck

Michelle xx

02-08-07, 10:57
Hi mellissa thanks for reply,you have it the nail on the head i get to points in the day were i think god its no wonder im like this as i go at things even just walking from one room to another at 100 mph lol.I will try and think slow down to myself today alot and see what happens,will let you know thanks again good to here somebody knows where im coming from.thanks love tracy:hugs:

02-08-07, 11:43
thanx mum i'm gunna give this a go :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

i'll keep ya posted

03-08-07, 08:45
Hi all walked around all day nearly.went shopping also and kept saying slow slow just float dont know if it was a just one of my good days or this really worked,but ive been really struggling these last few week.I will keep you informed im going to keep trying it.Thanks Tracy:hugs:

03-08-07, 09:52
Well done Tracey,

Floatin over ur anxiety is a real good step forward, you are takin control over the situation well done

I hope this continues to work for you as well as it did for me , good luck and feel free to ask me anything via Pm or chat

Happy Floating dear xxxx

03-08-07, 18:18
Just had to say this michelle, ure brilliant love Mags xxxxxx

04-08-07, 10:53
hi michelle,just wanted to say thankyou,as what you said really does make a difference,saying float to myself and telling myself to slow down.Right i will float off for now and thanks again.love from a boltonian:hugs:

04-08-07, 11:27
hi Tam I am from Bolton too doll where are U ??

Happy Floating :yesyes:

Margaret Thank you xxxxxxxxxxx

04-08-07, 11:33
hi michelle im from the morris green area.take care

04-08-07, 23:04
u are bout 10 minutes away i am in Kearsley :yesyes:

07-08-07, 21:27
hello just read ur messages , im mopart38 ive seen you in the chatroom said hello but that it, i noticed that u said your from bolton if this is right then we live quiet close because i live in radcliffe. How long have u been a member? i also see that you have 4 children, i myself have 3children and find them really stressful especailly as they are off on school hols. My motherinlaw is really ill with cancer and its affecting my anxiety really bad at the moment my thinking is bad and im feeling ill over it any ideas? ive done an anxiety course last year and recently i saw someone for c.b.t and ive slipped back abit to my old ways. If you not sure who i am ive spoke to marg, nibbs, julie, carol_dearest and animal mad nikk. You can ask any of these about me.

11-08-07, 22:18
Some good advice michelle. My counsellor told me to write down 3 things that I have achieved each day before I go to bed, no matter how small. That way I will go to sleep with positive thoughts in my head not negative ones.
He also told me to write down 3 things that I want to do in my life and work out How i can achieve them.

I'll let you know how i get on!!!!! :hugs: