View Full Version : arrythmia confirmed

02-08-07, 15:12
right got my results back yesterday and they found sonething while i was asleep the cardiologist said something like my pacemaker fired but my heart didnt beat or something like that and it can cause a slowing of the heart so now im waiting for a in-patient appointment to go in for the day and there going to fit a monitor under my skin that can record constantly for up 2 18 months, he wants to find out if it is a isolated thing or if its happening quite often and if so does it affect me,(mabe this is why i go dizzy) and if it does happen often and does affect me i will have to have a pacemaker fitted (great huh, im only 27). but ive only gone dizzy now and again only a hand full of times. but there not taking any chances, and its lucky they picked it up this time so they no what there looking for, so all the heartbeats i was worried about (ectopics fast heart beat) dont seem to be the concern. has anyone else heard of this kind of monitor? ive allso got my endoscopy brought forward to wednesday, cos i have to go into hospital, so hopefully most things will be sorted in the next couple of months. HARD TIMES AT THE MO.:weep:

02-08-07, 18:59
Sorry to hear about this and hope things pick up for you soon and they sort everything out.

02-08-07, 21:13
Yes, these monitors are frequently used to pick up things on a longer term basis as you say. Do not worry, they are very common and widely used. At least you know that the ectopics and all those 'funny' beats that you are feeling are benign, that's one good thing. I wish you well for your endoscopy and further tests that you are waiting for, let us know how you go on.x

03-08-07, 09:48
Your probally feeling concerned but its good they have found a problem that can be sorted if needed , they may do nothing and just obserb and give you pills, they are very good at their work, you are in safe hands.

Hope you get it sorted out fast,
take care and let us know how u get on xxx

03-08-07, 18:55
thanks for the replys, appreciate it the arrythmia is i bradycardia(if thats spelt right) my heart slowed down for a little while then went to normal calmed down now not as panicky, al let you all no how i get on, thanx simon.

03-08-07, 19:02
Good that they are being so thorough hun.

I got a good checking over when I was pregnant with my piglets 20 years ago (like you do) but also I was found to have a heart murmur which funnily enough my doctor can no longer hear - so maybe what they heard might just be a temporary thing also.

All the best with the various tests and let us know how you get along.

Piglet :flowers:

04-08-07, 16:02
Bracardia is a slow heart beat, its what I think I may have cos my beat is about 52 beats per min and it should be between 60 - 100.
My doctor doesnt seem concerned tho cos I mentioned it to her the other day, she said we will sort my ears out first,lol.
Think they only do something if the heart is too slow.?