View Full Version : Why is my 5 year old acting this way ?

02-08-07, 20:31
Hi im a bit worried at the moment about my 5 yr old daughter last month she saw my neighbours 11yr old boy fall and break his arm very badly it snapped in half, and everyday since then she has been worried about everything and asking loads of questions like "im i going to get broken bones, im breathing funny , my breathing has stopped and my eyes are sore". She is really worrying us she is so usually happy and carefree now she is blinking more than often and over breathing i dont know what to do any help please i dont want this to effect my daughter any longer as i used to suffer panic attacks and it looks to me with the breathing thing shes doing all the time this could be the start of it happening to her ...she is only 5 and this breaks my heart. ps she has never known me when i suffered anxiety .
please help love julie xxx

02-08-07, 21:24
Hiya Joolee

I would not worry too much about it. My wee girl went through the same phase, she is now 6 and she never mentions it now.

I think kids get focused into recent events, but as they get further away from the event (timewise) their memory and its effects becomes less.

I remember being scared as a kid about all kinds of things that I now know are irrational, its a common childhood trait to have fears, but I am sure she will grow out of it.

I would be inclined to play it down in front of her, and try not to make an issue out of it.



02-08-07, 21:35
:) Thanks Jaco a fellow Hoops fan lol i was getting a wee bit worried there i will try to ignore it and hope she grows out of it and just console her when she does need me thanks again mate comon the hoops :yesyes: love Julie xxxx

02-08-07, 22:04
I have discussed this before with may ppl but just think a 5 year old doesn't have that many memories it is just phase....how far back can you remember....:blush: If something is new to us we will dwell on it but it doesn't mean it will be there for life and it doesn't mean it will be a problem to them. She is just a little worried at the moment. My son does the same but it passes if I let him do that:D

02-08-07, 22:27
A fellow hoops fan eh ;)

Hail Hail

02-08-07, 23:11
Thankyou everyone i feel a lot better now and yep to Jaco i am a Celtic fan love the hoops lol :yesyes: Thanks again love Julie xxxxx