View Full Version : Hungry

03-08-07, 14:51
Hi all,

I've had a good week so far. I went to see my GP last week and have been referred to a therapist and I had felt so down for a few weeks running. This week however I feel really good.

I believe that one reason for this is because I haven'tm been out as much this week drinking. In fact last night was the first time I had been and I did feel a bit weird at the end of the night. So maybe too much alcohol is setting me off. I know it should have been obvious but I didnt really associate it with my anxiety, even though I know alcohol is a depressive.

Anyway, that aside, I am feeling constantly hungry. Whilst I felt down I didnt have much of an appetite which I understand and now I feel good I feel hungry most of the time. Its not even like its nicotine pangs as I might have a cigarette and the "feeling" doesnt go away.

Does anyone know what this means? Is is because I am in a better state of mind, that my body is "feeling" things?

Thanks for listening xxx

03-08-07, 15:07
Hello Lilith!

Hey, great you're getting on so well eh?:D

Yep, I think you're correct!

I reckon now that you're feeling a lot better (and yes I believe excess alcohol was a major factor when you were feeling pants) you're just getting your appetite back - so it feels as though you are hungry all the time when in fact you're just enjoying a healthy appetite!:yesyes:

(of course, I could be wrong - but I don't think I am lol !)

Keep it up ok?!

