View Full Version : yes it does enter my head

04-08-07, 06:15
middle of the night,what a fright ,muddled thoughts and panic,will it ever end. is death the door of release ?, Not for many years i hope, controling this fight n flight would turn things round, in some ways im lucky in that if my nose clears the problem goes, if any other sinus sufferers out there,like to talk about this specific area,

05-08-07, 01:01
I think about ending it yes sometimes but I dont think death is 'the door of release' as you put it.

I'm not sure if I believe in God, but what if there was one, you ended your life, and he sent you right back here to live it all again.

I do believe there is a purpose in life however, I just need to find mine.

I would love to end it all, but I'm too scared.

05-08-07, 02:01
I'm sure it crosses quite a few peoples minds but that's totally different to actually wanting it to happen.

05-08-07, 03:47
I thought about ending it a few times in the past, but I get so angry about being denied a happy life or a life period because of my fears.

So I go out with the intent of fighting, confronting "it" only to be beat back by my own mind and return to where I've always been.

Maybe it is our purpose in this life (if you believe in this sort of thing), maybe we're meant to overcome this one obstacle before we move ahead?

05-08-07, 09:33
That was one of my biggest fears, the thought that I would be driven to it (I never contemplated it, was just so fearful that it was an inevitable symptom).

The S word is like the C word for me, I don't like thinking about it.

However, I would urge anyone to seek help straight away who would even see it as an option.

No matter how bad it gets, this can't never ever be the answer.

I wonder how many poor souls took this option, but were destined for better times in the future?


05-08-07, 14:06
I agree with Jaco, please don't ever consider this as an option, things CAN get better and things WILL get better but you have to find the right path for you, one that will work, we may all have a similar illness but different things help different people. Talk to your GP about how you have been feeling and i'm sure he/she can offer lots of help and support.

Another thing, always talk about how you are feeling. There are some really good helplines out there hun, get talking and please don't bottle it up.

you take good care of yourself hun
lots of hugs :hugs:

05-08-07, 20:24
I agree with Jaco and Lisa that no matter how bad things get, taking your life isn't the answer. There are always people who care and want to help you through. There are always better days ahead no matter how bleak things feel at the time. People who overcome anxiety are no stronger than people who are currently working on overcoming it. We are all the same and just need to find what works for ourselves. Everyone has something to give and it's just a question of finding what that is.

Take care,


07-08-07, 02:19
Some good points, especially that you don't know what's just around the corner. There's also usually other peoples feelings to consider, think how devastating it would be to them.

07-08-07, 05:33
Take it from someone who has been there bought the T-shirt IT DOES get better, I had severe GAD and i too had thoughts of harming myself, thankfully it never happened........

Now i am recovered and can see the anxiety in it's real form without fear, life is fantastic and definatly WORTH living.

take care

Michelle xxxxxx :yesyes: