View Full Version : up and down

29-12-04, 15:24
Hiya guys,

It has been a a wee while since I posted a 'negative' post, mainly because I haven't had too. I was feeling soo much better..

Last night though I had to phone my boyfriend home from work as I got myself into so much of a bloody panic (i won't go into the reasons as i don't want to scare anyone - or give them my stupid bloody fear)

Anyway I have been ill for a week and a half with the head cold from hell - think I was very tired as well with the run up to christmas etc.

I know this is the reasons why I got so bloody upset over nothing, but I genuinely couldn't help it!!

Soo sick of myself and now today I feel weepy and crappy and embarrased that this stupid anxiety made me phone him home (I know I shouldn't have but....)


29-12-04, 16:00
Hi Lucky

Don't beat yourself up over this. It sounds like you've been doing so well and we all have bad days. The stress of Christmas, feeling unwell and tired doesn't help either. It is just a blip and you will be able to pick yourself up and carry on again.

The fact that you had to ask your boyfriend to come home isn't a big disaster and there is no need to feel embarrassed. Having a good cry might help release some of the tension.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-12-04, 17:37
Hey Lucky

Sometimes we all need to get someone to help us and there is no shame in that.

I rely on Alex when I don't feel too good so you are not alone in that.

I bet the cold is making you feel very down too so you are probably a bit run down at the moment.

Have a good cry that will really help and make you feel better.

I hope tomorrow is better for you.



29-12-04, 22:12

Think Blip...

wanting it all to go right
More tired
family pressures
excitement all round you
Bit of perfectionism here too

Is it any wonder that something got the better of you ....and its so easy for the spiral to set in .

You have been doing so so so well recently that you can get over this quickly.

Do have a good howl and feel sorry for youself for a bit and take a bit of time out for yourself and to review and regain perspective. Has this particular fear passed now ?

Are you eating , sleeping , Vit b still. If not go back to these for a few weeks and take care of yourself like you would one of your family members .

If you want to share we're here..



05-01-05, 12:19
Thanks all,

I am feeling a bit better now, had to go off sick from work for a few days though (which I hate doing)

I think the tiredness was the worst as i couldn't lie down for the hacking cough I had.

Tick to all the options Meg - I sometimes forget to look after me.

I know it is a blip and your your replies Nic, Meg and Karen


05-01-05, 12:56
Hi Lucky

Glad to see that yiu are feeling better and that you know it was just a blip.

Take care of yourself

Elaine x

05-01-05, 13:46
Sounds like you needed to be off sick anyway without feeling anxious if you've a non shifting hacking cough and not sleeping.

We may be extra strong people in so many ways but we are not built to keep going against all adversity especially with immune related illnesses.

We do not have Duracell imprinted anywhere and as we cannot ditch the family or home then its work that has to give-rather 3 days now than 3 weeks later.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

05-01-05, 15:07
Glad you're feeling better Lucky.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-01-05, 15:28
Sometimes I feel like a bit of a failure though, other people can get through Christmas etc without getting ill!!!

Definetly agree work had to give but really hate feeling like soeome else has to do my work cause I'm in bed sick!!!

If i could only stop feeling guilty about everything it would certainly help.......

Thanks for the messages


05-01-05, 15:46
Have you got to CD 6 yet !?


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

05-01-05, 15:56
No afraid not yet Meg, intend to listen to five again tonight then move on



05-01-05, 16:56
Talks about guilt and stuff ..

05-01-05, 19:08
Hi Lucky

Glad you are back on form and feel a bit better. I know how you feel about being off sick and guilty but we are all entitled to be ill aren't we.

Meg - is that the CD that tells you to let people do stuff at work and don't re-check it? I smiled at that cos I always do that cos I don't trust them to do it properly. Bad I know!


07-01-05, 14:34
Hi Lucky

sorry to hear you havent been feeling too good, wont have helped been full of cold either.

Christmas is a stressful time anyway, such a build up then it is all over.

Everyone has their blips and anxious days, and asking for a bit of help isnt a failure at all.

You have done really well and got through it.

Well done mate.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

07-01-05, 23:04
hi there licky,

I use to feel terrible about letting others do my work and then check and worry about if they had done it properly!!! a double whammy!!

trust is important here.....trust for it to be done properly.....and if it isnt?? then whats the worse that could happen? you might say lose my job and then lose the house........that just doesnt happen.....perhaps only in our minds.

I use to call helplines all the time on bad days......and i would gladly phone them again if neccesary........not failure just being smart and raising your hand to ask for a little help when needed.......thats just human nature and something id be more proud of than ashamed.

just a blip which i know feels awful....had one a couple of weeks back.......but thats all it is........

take care


08-01-05, 11:07
Thanks Guys,

I feel guilty about everything - I really need to deal with it.

I do the work thing too!!!

Know it was a blip - but you would think I should be able to deal with them by now!!!!
