View Full Version : temple tension

29-12-04, 22:56
Does anyone have problems with tension in the temples and slightly above. My doctors thinks it is muscular. I am always worried about
brain tumors and then theres Strokes. My temples are tender to touch, but so is my jaw muscle and then it radiates across my teeth. I don't
know who to see a Doctor or Dentist or is it tension once again. I also
have had the achee neck for almost one year?

Can anyone relate??

30-12-04, 09:31
Hi TT ,

This is very common indeed. It soften referred to as a headband headache.

It will not be a turmour and certainly not a stroke as neither present in this way.

TMJ as you describe with your jaw is also common. Are you grinding your teeth at night ? If so a dentist can make you a guard.

I would suggest a good massage either head neck, shoulders and back or an Indian head massage.

Its just where you are storing all your tension and not dangerous but is uncomfortable.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

30-12-04, 18:37
go see the dentist i had the sore head/jaw/ for ages it turned out i had too many teeth and removing one from the back sorted it out........toothache is one of those things where you dont know what hurts most as it all feels bad i find

fan x

31-12-04, 20:05
hi there,
i have had this for a long time and it feels like your head is going to explode. but it does ease sometimes, does this make u feel dizzy too?

Cassie x

24-08-09, 05:14
Hello, I'm a 30 year old female, and I can relate. This temple tension is really scaring me!!! I haven't had this before, and now the last month I always feel this pressure on my temples like my head is in a vice, though it doesn't really hurt, it's a SCARY feeling. I have all four of my wisdom teeth, and though they are not currently hurting, could this be causing the tension? The top two wisdoms are fully in, but I think the bottom two may be impacting. Sometimes I'll get a headache in the top of my head too, and I get dizzy. This is causing me to take anxiety attacks because I get to thinking I have a brain tumor, or I may have a brain anyurism (sp?) My uncle died of a brain anyurism so I am TERRIFIED! I can't sleep at night- someone please help!!!

24-08-09, 15:16
I have these too, I used to just get them on top of my head like someone was pushing down on it and the past week I keep getting them in the temples too, they seem to move around sometimes! If I move sometimes it makes it worse too. I was thinking bad things too, I had a brain mri 5 months ago so I assume I should be ok, right? Also, my shoulder, jaw and face have been hurting too and last night I woke myself up grinding my teeth!!! My doc says my jaw doesn't seem like I have TMJ though, does that make sense?