View Full Version : Is this a withdrawal symptom?

05-08-07, 13:44
I have been on Citalopram for nearly a year yo-yo'd between 20-40mg. Anyway I dropped from 40-20 fine, stayed on that for a while and then went from 20-10 fine. I have now gone from 10-5 and feel awful.

The worst thing happened today I was having sunday lunch with family, I felt really shaky and trembly and then went extremely hot and started sweating and I mean profusely. It all beaded on my head, my legs, my back, my t-shirt got soaked. This of course set off a panic and now I am left feeling shaky and spaced out.

So could this have been a withdrawal symptom or what? Has anyone else every sweat this profusely? I often have waves of heat but never break out into a sweat like this.

05-08-07, 14:12
Hi Devon,

It could very well be because you have cut your medication down. Have you did this quite quickly? it's always best to cut down your medication slow and gradual. Talk to your Gp for some reasurance but i'm sure you'll be just fine, panic attacks can effect us all differently, so please don't worry!

good luck

05-08-07, 14:21
Yes it has been a very gradual reduction I've been reducing for the last 2 months from 20 mg

07-08-07, 02:23
If you have reduced you dosage slowly then it could be rebound anxiety, basically your current dosage is no longer enough to help you with your PA's. If they were working why did you decide to try and stop them, just to see if you could manage without them or another reason?

07-08-07, 18:34
Hello Devon_Guy !

Its always difficult coming off meds as your body re-adjusts itself to the change in chemistry. Don't worry about the symptoms, they only matter if you let them. You coped with that panic attack without full meds, so well done !¬ You're doing fine - seek support from your GP that's what he's there for !
Be kind to yourself

08-08-07, 20:44
I have to come off them, my GP has decided to put me on fluoxetine so am being weaned off the citalopram. To be honest I'm not looking forward to going on the others.

08-08-07, 21:51
I see. However as I understood it as they're both SSRI's you could simply stop citralopram and start flouxetine.