View Full Version : Im New but have been here before

05-08-07, 20:52
Hiya All,

Im new to this forum but was here about 4 years ago after having my 2nd child and I had PND. back in the days when eg, Nicola and Charlie were a HUGE support to me...
Im Laurie and Im 28 and live in Scotland. I have 3 sons and live with my partner

Ive had panic attacks since I was about 15 but I had learned to control them without seeking help. When I had my second son 4 years ago I was hit with anxiety very badly. Mostly health anxieties, fear of nuts and other things. I have learned to live with my anxiety (am having some panics just now due to havingg m hair dyed at a salon on Thursday evening, keep checking the mirror for swelling!)

Anyway!!! Hoping to hear from everyone and maybe even help someone here and there!

Take Care

05-08-07, 21:37
Welcome Back:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:flowers:

05-08-07, 22:02
Welcome Back Laurie .....wish Ya The Best........linda

06-08-07, 00:16
Hello Laurie28:welcome:back to you!

You'll get plenty of help and support here - as you already know!

Pleased to meet you!


06-08-07, 15:47
Hi Laurie and :welcome: back,

I hope you find lots more advice, friends and support and look forward to seeing you around.

Take care,


06-08-07, 19:05
Hi Laurie and a warm :welcome: back.

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help again as we were before.

Charlie is doing well nowadays so isn't on here anymore but I still get updates about her progress from Meg.

Remind me of your previous login name please.

06-08-07, 19:20
I cant remember it! I havent a clue! I remember Chrlies name was Lottie but mine is a blank

06-08-07, 19:26
It was LUCKY!! just came to me now lol

06-08-07, 19:31
Oh yes that is it!!

I remember now - it was in the back of my mind.

I will merge your two accounts for you so you have all the previous posts too.

Pink Princess
07-08-07, 13:57