View Full Version : is this possible?

06-08-07, 04:13
to strain your eye muscles in response to panic attacks?

i randomly have eyestrain and sore eye muscles for the past few days
and tehre is no other possible thing that could have harmed my eye,
ive been having panic attacks for weeks
i experienced the whole dry itchy or over watery eye thing for like a week or so
before the muscles started to hurt

is it possible to strain your eye muscle because of stress or something?

im going to see an eye doctor within the next few days.

06-08-07, 09:32
hi ,

I dont know if it is possible to strain your eye muscles but i KNOW its possible to feel as tho U Have

Tired eyes are commom with anxiety a lot of people i speak to suffer from this too.

hope it helps


07-08-07, 18:45
Anxiety can make all our muscles feel tense and strained because we feel all sorts of "pressure". I'm sure the eye Doc will put your mind at rest.
Be kind to yourself