View Full Version : The Full Monty

06-08-07, 20:01
Again, bloody Monday's I can't get my head around this.

I woke (after a rubbish nights sleep) feeling edgy today (Monday). It's every damn Monday, regardless if I am busy with work or have an easy day.

Today was particuarly disappointing, I had a reasonably busy day ahead of me, nothing too heavy, and had a couple of problem phone calls to do with work issues.

Before I knew it, the full monty (no, not a rendition of Hot Chocolate and getting my kit off, I wanted to leave the building site alive), head started spinning, chest heavy, shallow breathing etc etc etc like I need to describe it here.

I could not even think clear enough to tackle one problem, but none of them were that difficult to resolve (or worth panicking over).

I know if it had been a Wednesday or a Friday or any other day I would have not given these issues a 2nd thought and just resolved them.

Is it possible to have high anxiety on the same day every week? iy just doesn't sound credible. Does anyone else get anxiety on a particular day of the week every week?

Ban Monday's


06-08-07, 20:13
Hell mate, i so know what you are talking about Jaco, i call it the "Monday blues", and i get it EVERY damn week. I have no idea why! far be it for me to try to understand anxiety, but my take on it is....Monday is the beginning of the week, we have to look ahead at all the weekly tasks that we have to coming up whether it be work, shopping, planned outing. The weekend is when we are supposed to relax, chill out and do things we enjoy doing rather than having to do them. I have no idea if this makes sense to anyone else but i recon thats why i get the " monday blues".

I really hope you have a better day tomorrow mate :hugs:

Lots a love

ps: Jaco on a builing site doing the full monty doesn't sound bad to me at all at all :winks:

06-08-07, 21:28
Oh and I only read this thread because I thought i was going to see a pic of Jaco with just a hat covering a certain part of himself, I was so looking forward to a laugh :D

Seriously though Honey because you have found mondays particulary hard in the past, you are now expecting every monday to be like it, therefore they are.

Remember it is all in the mind, so try telling yourself that 'hey its just another day' and that mondays are no different to any other day.

I guess its like when we have a panic in a supermarket or another certain place, we then think everytime we go there again the same is going to happen, so its definatley all to do with changing our way of thinking.


Trac xxxx

06-08-07, 21:32
I used to be worse on a Sunday the day I first had my 'episode' but then I had one on a Friday and since then that day has been my worse day.

06-08-07, 21:48
I don't know, but what I do know is this

weekends cause me anx. Too many people in this country, too many people around and places too busy for me to go with kids, kids moan they are bored, I get stressed...... so, I can quite easily get worked up on a Friday!

Monday....beginning of week. Beginning of a crap week, good week...who knows....but it could swing either way.

I used to like Wednesdays when I worked office hours as that meant half way. Thursday meant nearly there....Friday meant pub!
But now, full circle and Friday means sweat, panics, catastrophising........

Shame Mondays exsist. You a Geldof fan by any chance?


06-08-07, 22:50
Ok I think Im freaky!! Thing is ...I dont like Mondays (I feel a song coming on lol!), but they dont make me particularly anxious....unless of course like today its first day back after two weeks off.

I'm much worse at the weekend.....all that time, with nothing but thoughts of potential disasters to fill my head. Even distraction dosnt seem to work. I actually feel my anxiety building now from a thursday night onwards. I think its because I had really bad anxiety a while ago, triggered by the thought my house was falling down (dont ask lol!), which started just before the weekend. I was terrible all weekend, by monday was shattered and calmed down a bit, work distracted me, and by friday remembered how bad the previous weekend had been and off I went again. This has gone on ever since.

I think now I have created a cycle of work and worry for myself and am now tryng to find ways to 'break' the cycle so maybe I can convince myself that even though I have all these thoughts, nothing bad is necesarily going to happen and I dont need to work seven days a week just to keep myself sane.

I dont know if any of this makes sense....but maybe you could try changing your routine at the beginning of the week to try and break out of this pattern you find yourself in and if you can have one or two Mondays which arent so bad, you can build on that.

Sorry if this seems rubbish but it kind of made sense to me lol!

luv Coni XX

06-08-07, 23:17
Hi Jaco:D

I hate mondays too!!!!

My anx is worse on a Monday and gets better as week goes on:yesyes:

I work from home and view Monday as the beginning of another shit week!!!

You are not alone:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x :hugs:

06-08-07, 23:34
I love Fridays myself! :yesyes:

Oh and Saturdays - I always seem to win something on a Saturday ..... mmmmmm ........I wonder what that can be! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

07-08-07, 09:30

I agree with Trac.......'anticipatory anxiety' is a killer (not literally). You have had bad Mondays before (coincidently), and now somewhat expect Mondays to be bad....so they are!

Honestly...every time I expect to get a PA, I do. If you can make yourself believe that Monday is just like any other day, and then ignore it, chances are Mondays will be fine again :yesyes:

Want to know my little anticipatory quirk? It's about socks....will tell you sometime lol.

Take care and try ignoring the days of the week....honestly, it's just because you are expecting it xxx