View Full Version : Feel a little anxious

06-08-07, 22:22
I have had a cough now for over 2 weeks, saw my GP friday for some iron tabs and mentioned my cough, he listened to my chest and said it was clear. He said coughs can last 3 weeks. It will be 3 weeks this weekend and im fed up of it, its not shifting at all, if anything id say its gone from a dry tickly cough to more chesty, I am coughing stuff up esp in the morning which is clear/yellow. Am I daft to worry? my sons have had a nasty cough that lasted well over a month and my hubby has had a cough a week but mine seems to be more chesty.

I keep freting ive chronic sinusitis aswell, they say it can spread to the brain (meningitis) or to facial bones and the bone on the left side of my face, just below temple (jaw bone??) is sore to touch at times and I keep getting a niggle of tooth ache in a top tooth. With me having a slight congested nose and cough of course im convinced ive got chronic problems. I had a CT scan last year that showed all was ok but ive had acute sinusitis twice this year so im worrying its started since, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Surely id be ozzing green gunk and having awful headaches if I had that?? can anyone slap some sense into me??

I also noticed I have a small lump in my temple area on the left side. I only noticed it because I had a sore spot on the side of my head that was really sore ( I am sooooooo spotty at the moment, lol) and I noticed this hard lump in my temple, I freaked out of course:winks: It feels hard like bone almost and id say its no bigger than a petit pois, lol! probably half the size but its still there. My hubby says im daft to worry about that and id look even more daft going to the dr about it but me being me im thinking its a growth or something. Am I being daft? I mean it could be just part of me and always been there but I don't know because I don't usually go feeling, lol!

All of this and ive noticed some glands up in my jaw and by my ear im freting my pants off:winks: I have a blood test this week for my iron, no full bloods this time for me, lol! but my last lot were fine 3 mths back.

07-08-07, 09:49
Try Sudafed for the sinuses....see how you get on. Don't take it for too long though as you can get 'rebound congestion'. I usually find it helps.

I had sinusitis last year and a short course of Antibiotics put it right.

Not sure about the lump but personally I'd leave it and just see how it goes.

Chest-wise.....coughs can last a long time, and the fact that what you are coughing up is clear, is good. If your GP has listened and says you have a clear chest, try not to worry too much. Coughs are nasty and irritating, but it sounds as though it isn't anything horrible. Obviously, if you start coughing up blood, lots of nasty green stuff, chest pain, etc etc....see GP again :)

Best of luck xxx

07-08-07, 13:45
Thanks so much,

I will see how the lump goes 4 now then.

09-08-07, 21:42
A lump on my temple was the episode that kicked my health anxiety into first gear over 2 years ago now. It's hard and the size of a small pea, and only my my left side. It's still there, hasn't gone down or anything, I'd just never noticed it before then. I just wish I'd seen this post before so I could've told u about me having one too sooner!

Oh and and my mum has one too on the other side, and so does my brother.

10-08-07, 13:14
Fab thanks Boy thats really reassuring. I won't worry about it now:-)

12-08-07, 23:05
Hi Cherry3

Well you're not alone with the anxious feelings and the cough for that matter!!

I too have a cough which is hanging around at the moment, I also worry and worry even more about every little lump, bump and ache and pain that I have convincing myself that it must really be something awful, but it hasn't been up to now and hopefully will all continue to be stress and anxiety, I am bad with the back, neck and throat problems at the moment and have done a posting about that.

I too, have 3 small children aged 8, 5 and 2 and it sure is a long day during the school holidays to try and keep them all entertained, and even more so when I'm stressing, but we love them to bits and tomorrow is another day, so hopefully we'll feel a bit less worried then.

Take care

15-08-07, 13:37
Thanks Sharon,

It is hard to cope with 3 children and health anxiety isn't it.

Roll on september;-)