View Full Version : Help! Freaking Out!

06-08-07, 22:57
My neck is stiff, I've got pains in my arms and my eyes have been funny with the light all day. I'm convinced I have meningitis... I've been on pills for 5 days now, 20mg fluoxetine (generic prozac) and I'm really panicking now. My boyfriend thinks it's the side effects but I'm really panicking. I rarely have full blown panic attacks but I think I'm about to have one now...


06-08-07, 23:11
Hi There


This sounds like good old anx to me!!!!

Something happens when we panic that makes our eyes really sensitive to light!!!

Trust me.......let it pass and you will be fine:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-08-07, 23:14
Sounds like anxiety sweety.You probably are having a few side affects or are expecting to have some and getting yourself all anxious.The affects usually go off but you have got to give them time to get in your system.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: You will be ok.:hugs:

06-08-07, 23:36
hi honey

Do you have a high temperature? are you vomitting?

If not then its just prob the side effects of your meds.

dont worry

luv tracie xx

07-08-07, 02:55
See my reply in the meds forum.

07-08-07, 08:59
Meningitis is my biggest fear but as ive learnt from my GP and doing abit of reading (do not not do this, lol!) if you have meningitis you have a VERY high temperature, sickness, headache that is so bad you cannot look at the light....... honestly you will not have meningitis, you wouldn't be sat there typing if you did.

07-08-07, 09:32
Morning Locked.

How are you? Last I heard you were going to wake up mummy!

Like the others, I seriously doubt it's Meningitis....but....if you are truly concerned then it's always best to make sure and get yourself checked out.

Hope you are much better this morning xxx

07-08-07, 13:32
Yup, woke up my mummy! And had a long talk, not just about my health fears, but why I was depressed in general. Strange being honest with my mum.

(I told her we should start doing more together and she suggested a trip to Ikea later in the week!!)

I'm alright now. It was just the meds making me panic. I called my boyfriend and he came over and slept beside me, watched over me, and ever hour or so whispered in my ear 'you're not dying of meningitis... Nice lad!

Scary thing, these pills. I've never felt so panicked in all my life. I worry but rarely have panic attacks so last night was a little bit scarier for that...

Thanks for your advice :)
Love you all

07-08-07, 13:59
Glad you are feeling abit better today:)