View Full Version : Please tell me what's wrong!!

07-08-07, 06:54

Can anyone tell me if these are symptoms of anxiety or not. I keep feeling dizzy/lightheaded when i'm looking at my computer screen and other times when i'm reading. It's like when i'm trying to focus on something. I can understand the lighheadedness, but i can't understand why my anxiety would suffer when reading, etc.



07-08-07, 07:04
Anxiety does some really wierd things. For a while, I got anxiety symptoms when I started making lunch! And at other odd times, when there didn't seem to be any reason for it. Somehow your mind seems to have learned to react in this way when you start to focus on things. You need to find a way to unlearn this response. You might find that it gets better once you are aware of what is happening.

07-08-07, 07:09
I get this sometimes. I think it's just our brains wanting to take a little break! I try to take 5 minutes away to get a drink or do something else. This seems to help take my mind off of it as well.

07-08-07, 18:55
Hello Gregor !
Anxiety can affect us all in different ways and at the strangest of times ! You say you get dizzy feelings using the computer or reading - perhaps you need new prescription glasses ?
be kind to yourself

07-08-07, 19:05
Hi Gregor

I have had this many times too when on the pc, the thing that worked for me was to move off the pc for a while and distract myself.


07-08-07, 21:51
:huh: :ohmy: hi im hazel ive had anxiety for 1 to2 years now you do realise whats happening i felt that i was in another planet then i was going to die everything was terrifying but go to your doctor and he will talk to you and try councelling that helps to good luck,

Can anyone tell me if these are symptoms of anxiety or not. I keep feeling dizzy/lightheaded when i'm looking at my computer screen and other times when i'm reading. It's like when i'm trying to focus on something. I can understand the lighheadedness, but i can't understand why my anxiety would suffer when reading, etc.

