View Full Version : Could anyone shed some light on this

07-08-07, 09:48
Last Tuesday I had a bad attack on the bus and the paramedics came. I was pescribed Citalopram which ive been taken since Friday. On Sunday i was out with a friend i had nothing to drink but 3 glasses of lemonade and it was a stress free day. On the bus back home i had a massive attack far worse than ive ever had before. My saliva went white and frothy, my mouth dry and an awful metallicy taste in my mouth. My heart raced to about 130 bpm and i had to ring 999 to get checked over. Thankfully i was fine.

On the bus to work this morning the same type of panic attack started i could feel myself getting agitated and this strange taste in my mouth appearing thankfully i did a few breathing excercises instead of jumping off the bus and it subsided.

The questions i would like answered if you can help are:-

Has anyone ever had a strange taste in there mouth?
Could it be linked to the tablets im taking?
Are there various types of panic attacks?

Please help

many thanks x

07-08-07, 10:38
More or less the same thing happened to me but i was on a different drug (PROZAC) i think it was diffenetly related to the drug as i have never suffered like that before.
Have you looked at the side effects of the tablets ?

07-08-07, 10:46
More or less the same thing happened to me but i was on a different drug (PROZAC) i think it was diffenetly related to the drug as i have never suffered like that before.
Have you looked at the side effects of the tablets ?

Yeah ive had a look and ive had the normal sweaty palms, dizziness but its the taste in my mouth that im concerned about it comes over really quick and my whole chest feels like its on fire 'burning sensation'

07-08-07, 11:45

I'm not sure if it helps or not but I've had that metallic taste in my mouth just this weekend, I've had panic attacks (which are semi controlled at the moment) for a few years now and wanted to get some exercise to help stress relief.
After climbing up a large hill in woods with my wife I had that very same taste in my mouth. Kind of tasted like I had a copper penny in my mouth :)

At the time I certainly wasn't having an attack and I'm not on any medication, so I can only assume that it's related to overbreathing and nothing to worry about mate, I also vaguely remember that same taste after running long distance at school 20 years ago combined with that same burning feeling in lungs unless you meant the burning feeling from heartburn in the chest rather than throat?

Sorry if I misinterpreted what you meant

07-08-07, 11:51
i have never been prescribed these meds ,but many folk oh here have ..and they have reported similar problems..or a nasty reaction at any rate...the panics tho may well be because it is remebered fear mate!You had the attack on the bus so now when you get on a bus you kinda wait for it to happen [subconciously of course]thats why i wont go on a bus:ohmy: :blush: so dont let it get the better of you mate..some folk are not suited to some meds..go see your gp and ask for advice..i know these meds take a while to kick in and some say the anxiety is worse at first:wacko: so you must decide if you think the benefit will out way the side effects..good luck ..love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxx

07-08-07, 11:53

I'm not sure if it helps or not but I've had that metallic taste in my mouth just this weekend, I've had panic attacks (which are semi controlled at the moment) for a few years now and wanted to get some exercise to help stress relief.
After climbing up a large hill in woods with my wife I had that very same taste in my mouth. Kind of tasted like I had a copper penny in my mouth :)

Yeah its like a metallicy coppery taste 'not that i taste copper' it could be down to over breathing i noticed after i tried to slow my breathing down the feeling went away

07-08-07, 11:55
i have never been prescribed these meds ,but many folk oh here have ..and they have reported similar problems..or a nasty reaction at any rate...the panics tho may well be because it is remebered fear mate!You had the attack on the bus so now when you get on a bus you kinda wait for it to happen [subconciously of course]thats why i wont go on a bus:ohmy: :blush: so dont let it get the better of you mate..some folk are not suited to some meds..go see your gp and ask for advice..i know these meds take a while to kick in and some say the anxiety is worse at first:wacko: so you must decide if you think the benefit will out way the side effects..good luck ..love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxx
The doctor at the hospital said to stay on them its only been under a week so hopefully they will subside

The whole bus scenario though does ring true though maybe some distraction techniques may work x

07-08-07, 12:08
what a good idea..counting is brilliant ..slowly counting from one to twenty over and over agoin..it actually uses a different part of the brain so distracts our thoughts fom the panic..which is just adrenalin after all..so try that mate ..or counting the cars next to the bus maybe:) good luck with it ..love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-08-07, 12:10
what a good idea..counting is brilliant ..slowly counting from one to twenty over and over agoin..it actually uses a different part of the brain so distracts our thoughts fom the panic..which is just adrenalin after all..so try that mate ..or counting the cars next to the bus maybe:) good luck with it ..love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yeah I could count the cars well im back on the bus tonight so fingers crossed its going to work.

07-08-07, 12:29
Best of luck matey:D keep the counting going even if you get the first glimmer of panic..,,in fact start the counting before you get on the bus..count your steps ..that is what i do..cant wait to hear how you get on..i admire you for being so positive :yesyes: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxx

07-08-07, 12:37
Best of luck matey:D keep the counting going even if you get the first glimmer of panic..,,in fact start the counting before you get on the bus..count your steps ..that is what i do..cant wait to hear how you get on..i admire you for being so positive :yesyes: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxx
Thanks for the positive thoughts xxxx

07-08-07, 19:23
This is from the symptoms page on here..

Lack of appetite or taste, a tinny, metallic or ammonia smell or taste

What you feel:

Sometimes you just don’t feel like eating, or the thought of food is unappealing. Or, that even though you are eating, the food has no taste or is unsatisfying.

You have a persistent ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’ smell in your nose, or you taste it often and it’s not from your food or environment. Often it’s just there, but you can’t figure out why

What causes this:

Similar to the other stomach related symptoms, loss of appetite is a result of an upset stomach due to the sustained increase in digestive action. Loss of taste occurs because taste buds are nerves, and an over stimulated nervous system can send false signals to the brain which means that sometimes we can experience odd, dulled or incorrect sensory perceptions (since our receptive senses are controlled and interpreted by the nervous system). The loss of taste because of this miscommunication or misinterpretation by the over stimulated nervous does occur. This is another example of how we can receive incorrect or inaccurate sensory perceptions because of an over stimulated nervous system.

The only remedy for this symptom is rest so that the nervous system can regain its health.

or this ...

Metallic Taste in mouth (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4483)

08-08-07, 09:39
This is from the symptoms page on here..

Lack of appetite or taste, a tinny, metallic or ammonia smell or taste

What you feel:

Sometimes you just don’t feel like eating, or the thought of food is unappealing. Or, that even though you are eating, the food has no taste or is unsatisfying.

You have a persistent ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’ smell in your nose, or you taste it often and it’s not from your food or environment. Often it’s just there, but you can’t figure out why

What causes this:

Similar to the other stomach related symptoms, loss of appetite is a result of an upset stomach due to the sustained increase in digestive action. Loss of taste occurs because taste buds are nerves, and an over stimulated nervous system can send false signals to the brain which means that sometimes we can experience odd, dulled or incorrect sensory perceptions (since our receptive senses are controlled and interpreted by the nervous system). The loss of taste because of this miscommunication or misinterpretation by the over stimulated nervous does occur. This is another example of how we can receive incorrect or inaccurate sensory perceptions because of an over stimulated nervous system.

The only remedy for this symptom is rest so that the nervous system can regain its health.

or this ...

Metallic Taste in mouth (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4483)
This makes sense then ive found fun unappealing at the moment but im forcing myself to eat best keep with the tablets

08-08-07, 20:45
I was told that the metallic taste in your mouth was due to the stress hormones released into your blood stream. Its the first sign i am going to get a panic attack.......

09-08-07, 22:53
i have never been prescribed these meds ,but many folk oh here have ..and they have reported similar problems..or a nasty reaction at any rate...the panics tho may well be because it is remebered fear mate!You had the attack on the bus so now when you get on a bus you kinda wait for it to happen [subconciously of course]thats why i wont go on a bus:ohmy: :blush: so dont let it get the better of you mate..some folk are not suited to some meds..go see your gp and ask for advice..i know these meds take a while to kick in and some say the anxiety is worse at first:wacko: so you must decide if you think the benefit will out way the side effects..good luck ..love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxhiya not seen u on much these days is everything ok with you trish1955

09-08-07, 22:56
just read yr post and to tell u the truth i think yr brill for keep getting on the bus after such a big attack as once you stat avioding places were you have had an attack yr world gets smaller and smaller good luck in yr fight byr for now trish