View Full Version : Bronchitis, am very worried.

07-08-07, 14:03
I know I am a bint but im really worried. I have had a cough for nearly 3 weeks now, started with a cold the last few days. I woke up today feeling awful, really achy and my head is banging. I went to see a GP today who said ive acute bronchitis. He said as I only had anti bs 3 weeks ago for a sinus infection I should see if my immune system can fight it off but if im still ill in 3 days to start anti bs he has prescribed.

I feel awful, my head is hurting, my head feels bunged up, im so tired and achy. My cough is a little better today though.

He gave me a print out to read so I understand it and ive scared myself silly now thinking I will get pneumoniahttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif it also says if your headache gets worse see your GP, my head is banging so im worrying about meningitishttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif

I feel so stupid but can anyone reassure me that bronchitis will go on its own and I won't get pneumonia or anything else?

I have my bloods on thursday, dr isn't doing a full blood count just ferritin and cholesterol but im so worried there is something serious wrong with me and thats why im getting sinus infections, coughs, etc.. all of the time. I wish he was doing a full blood count to reassure me abit, I need it right now but my bloods were fine 3 mths ago so I should take comfort from that.

I feel awful and finding today very difficult with 3 children to look after aswellhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/cry.gif

Feeling sorry for myself, sorryhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif My nephew was born yesterday 5 weeks premature and I am gutted I cannot be with him and my sister today:weep:

07-08-07, 18:05
Hello Cherry !
You must feel really rotten. I'm sure your bloods will be fine. Its so easy to pick up these bugs when your resistance is so low, You feel like you're always fighting something off ! Bronchitis will clear up, but do as Doc says and start the anti-ballistics if you don't feel an improvement. Its difficult with children to care for - but you need some good quality rest too. (Can anyone hlep with the kids for a couple of hours ?) Give yourself a fighting chance !
You're doing the right thing keeping your germs away from your new nephew, and I'm sure your sister knows how gutted you feel. Don't feel sorry for yourself, you're doing all the right things - just take your time.
Be kind to yourself

07-08-07, 19:31
Sounds like you are run down at the moment.

How is your diet and what supplements are you taking etc?

07-08-07, 19:33
Thanks so much Neptuno, your reply was really nice & supportive.

I feel a little better tonight anxiety wise. My hubby is home now, boys its been a hard day with 3 kiddies to look after. I have noone to help me out in the day really esp not now my sister is in hospital, my mum has her handsful which I totally understand. My hubby is out of the door for 12 hours a day so its a long day with 3 little ones but they are good, very bored being stuck in but I am hoping if its nice tomorrow they will play in the garden after lunch and I can just sit and watch them.

I am off to lie on the sofa, hubby is cooking for me tonight. I am going to rest up in my pjs:-)

Thanks again.

07-08-07, 19:35
HI Nicola,

I am taking a mulitvitamin & mineral supplement from Biocare and 1000mg vit c from biocare also so not cheap either, lol!

I so wish my GP was doing the fbc this time to reassure myself deep down I am well and im just abit run down. I am going to be so paranoid about this now, im thinking ive got some serious illness affecting my immunity.

My diet is ok, I eat 3 meals a day and drink water. I am a stone underweight but I always have been.

My kiddies have had a nasty cough for a month and then I caught it, theres took a while to shift but they both have asthma. I seem to catch everything they get this year:-(