View Full Version : can we create syptoms (Physical )

07-08-07, 20:52
hi guys

can we create syptoms of pain like if u think about your big toe (for instance) for long enogh thinking it is hurting could we actually feel the pain?



07-08-07, 21:15
yes, I think so.
we have lots of little sensations going on in our body all the time and it is (IMHO) easy to misinterpret these.
I meditate regularly. When I first tried it I was a bit spooked as it draws atention to your body and what it is doing. One of the things I do either as a result of my illness or meds, is twitch, ever so slightly. It freaked me when I first felt it so the twitch became more pronounced. There is no reason why this shouldn't be the same for pain.
Imagine you knocked your toe earlier in the day but it was so slight that you didn't notice it? When you become anx or deliberately focus on the reactions of your body, there is a little pain? But that pain grows because you are aware of it. Do you touch it? Rub it? So what started as a little pain becomes bigger and you make it worse by touching it, so in effect you have created albeit unwillingly.

08-08-07, 18:49
Oh yes, I think the mind is the strongest part of us. I have had all sorts of physical symptoms but I know that if I am able to give myself a sense of proportion about things and lower my anxiety levels it has enormous benefeits in relieving the aches and pains. Whether thats at a hormonal level I couldnt say but when I look at all my issues IBS, Ectopics, Acid reflux the common threads are all related to my mental state.
By the way I am nowhere near cured, it only takes a stressful situation or even traffic on the motorway to knock me back again but I feel as if I am making progress with it.
So if it can reduce pains why not increase/create them

08-08-07, 21:44
Yes deffo, the mind and body is chemical, upset the balance and whoosh, when i was at my worst i read somin and within 20 mins i had those symptoms

09-08-07, 00:00
Hi there,

I would say YES, too.

To know and learn just how powrfull are minds are, helps lots. I am still cobsmacked, just how powerfull the mind really is.

You just have to look at people who have had limbs taken away, or parts of there body taken away. My mum had her breat taken off, she still sometimes feels pain in something that is NOT THERE, OR my brother inlaw who chopped off his finger with a chain saw, he still feels pain in a finger that is NOT there.

I can be very senitive at times and when someone is in pain or is really worried about somethings, I REALY feel there pain or feel there worries and at these times I have to work really hard on my own thought pattens, mmmm, the mind IS powerfull, learning how to use that power to help you get through your anxiety is dame hard.

I remeber when I first came to this site, with lots and lots of symptoms, I read one that I never had, whoops, all of a sudden I had it, the mind... very strange.

I am sure that it IS powerfull to cause you pain, even if its just in one of your toes.

What I have always said to myself is, my mind is powerfull enough to get me into this mess, it is also powerfull to get me out of it too.



12-08-07, 14:23
Hi Andy I Would Have To Disagree With This...i Dont Believe We Can Tell Our Bodys To Have Pain...i Think If Someone Sat There And And Thot And Thot About It They Might Think They Feel Pain I Dunno Hun But Thats My Opinion Anyways I Have Heard What Jill Said About Her Mom Tho Sorry To Hear That Jill I Also Feel Hurt When Someone Is Hurt But For Physical Real Pain No..........linda X

12-08-07, 14:32
Hi Andy,
i do not know about creating pain but i can switch off pain.
This takes only thought to do this.


12-08-07, 15:33
Please Tell Me How Prism Lol Where I Suffer With Much Back Pain :(..........much Appreciated.............linda Xx

13-08-07, 13:19
Hi Andy,

I defo think we can as I just have to hear someone has earache and I can guarantee to have the symptoms before the day is over. I'm not as bad as I used to be but for a while this was a major problem for me so much so I stayed at home for 10 days so I wouldnt have to face people and their aches and pains. xx

13-08-07, 15:10
I think we can too, well maybe they are not real but we can definatly use our imagination to mimic the symptom.

i'm the same as these guys if someone else has a symptom linked with something bad - I have it, yeah i got it bad lol

but yeah definatley we can create it.

25-01-08, 14:58
of course we can creat pain, we in our mjinds cna almost make anything feel real in outr bodies. its like when someone is itching and talking about nits or something , it can make you start to feel itchy yourself and scratching your head,, if you concentrate on any part of your body for long enough you can start to actually feel the sensations you are telling yourself to feel.

the brain is so complex and powerful, if it wasnt then we would have all been cured of anxiety in minutes,


Flinty !!

27-01-08, 21:19
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I do it way too much. Any time i read about a symptom or hear about a symptom (especially if it is cancer related) I get the symptom, maybe i don't get it right away but some time later that day, that week, that month, i will get it, then by the time i get the symptoms i have already forgotten i read or heard about it so at the time i can't even convince myself that i just read about it so its nothing! The Mind IS A Powerful Thing! Unfortunately I can't Control Mine