View Full Version : panic attacks

07-08-07, 21:57
i my name is hazel i am 40 this year and ive had anxiety for 2 years now but when i with crowds of people i get very shaky and hot and cold sweats, i am on paroxetine medication for the anxiety but there are days when i get panicky and cant go in busy areas is this normal. i am to scared to go on holidays as its a different area i am going but i feel safe indoors my own home is this normal .

07-08-07, 21:58
i my name is hazel i am 40 this year and ive had anxiety for 2 years now but when i with crowds of people i get very shaky and hot and cold sweats, i am on paroxetine medication for the anxiety but there are days when i get panicky and cant go in busy areas is this normal. i am to scared to go on holidays as its a different area i am going but i feel safe indoors my own home is this normal .

08-08-07, 00:51
It's fairly normal to want to stay where you feel safe.
You have to remember that you control this, not the other way around. Don't let it win.
Try doing small things everyday and you will soon realise that you are safe in yourself, no matter where you are.

Wishing you well x

08-08-07, 01:27
Panicking is learn't behavior. We can't unlearn it, but we can learn new behavior to counteract it. I'm ok now, I'm at peace with the world, but it's not always been like that. I suffered with panic attacks, depression, OCD, phobia's, and other type of emotional problem for over 40 years. So couple of years ago I said to myself "enough is enough, I'm tired of it all" so I lean't all I could learn on how to defeat it. You have to learn new skills to calm the mind as well as calm the body. There's plenty of literature on the web on how to do this.

08-08-07, 10:58
i my name is hazel i am 40 this year and ive had anxiety for 2 years now but when i with crowds of people i get very shaky and hot and cold sweats, i am on paroxetine medication for the anxiety but there are days when i get panicky and cant go in busy areas is this normal. i am to scared to go on holidays as its a different area i am going but i feel safe indoors my own home is this normal .
Feeling scared is a natural process as stated earlier try taking things slowly - in the busy shopping street next to mine i go half the way up then cut off the crowds and ive usually got my stereo on so im nice and chilled out. Next time il go a little bit further up then cut off until i can get to the top and realise that i have


08-08-07, 12:11
Hi Dodson

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here im sure you will get some great advice support and make new friends too.

The one thing i have learnt over the years of suffering with anxiety/panic is never to give up(although at times i know its easier said then done) in places you feel uncomfortable just keep trying again and again to go there and it will eventually get easier. There are some great useful tips on the site also to help with distraction and breathing when you feel the panic rising which can be found on the how to cope section of the forum on the left hand side of this page.


14-08-07, 18:42
Hiya - Iam an extrovert but am 47 and have had panic attacks for years - especially in crowded hot places ans stuffy shopping malls etc or the cinema etc - I get hot and breathless and am trying to do relaxation cds to help.Wenjoy x