View Full Version : Can wisdom teeth make glands swollen?

07-08-07, 23:26
Ok, so I have a wisdom tooth coming through. It doesn't hurt or anything at this point, and I've had X Rays so I know it's not impacted.
But I noticed last night, I have a swollen gland or something in my neck, on the same side...could that be related? Or is it something else I should ask the Doctor about? Having health anxiety is making this whole thing really annoying and I'm trying not to panic.

08-08-07, 00:08
Absolutely it can!

I've had 2 wissies out now and prior to them coming out i had swollen glands, ear ache, stiff neck, headaches, you name it, they effected it!!!!!
Do not worry at all...


08-08-07, 08:31
Thanks so much :) Well hopefully it will finish coming out soon (preferably without any more pain lol!) and the swollen gland will go away.