View Full Version : How Has Nmp Helped You ?

08-08-07, 08:15
I have been helped by NMP so many times over the past years, infact too many to remember but the ones that stick out in my mind are these;

When I took a new medication and PANICKED , omg did i panic and I posted for help and WOW, i had SO SO SO much help (thanks Andrea) that I will never forget it.

When Ive been tearful I have come on here and found friends who understand me and it has helped me see that I am NORMAL :wacko: .

Somewhere to discuss embarrasing helath problems :blush: so I dont lay awake worrying about it.

What do you enjoy about NMP ?

08-08-07, 09:40
I've made some great friends on here and like you, the advice from people who are going through the exact same problems has helped me greatly.

It's also an excellent distraction from my problems to come on here and post when I'm struggling.

The support and love from people here is astonishing when you are having a bad time.

Jim :hugs:

08-08-07, 10:28
when I first was ill and I had major probs socialising with people, even my closest friends, I came on here and was able to communicate with people, which was great.

Again, when I was first ill, anxiety was such a huge deal and it helped to talk to people who understood completely why I cried in Tesco, or why I couldn't take my little un to soft play or why going to the pictures was such a major achievement.

I have made firiends here who although they are cyber buddies, I find I care about them as much as I do a real 'live' buddy. Sometimes a bit more as I know that they are battling with their personal difficulties too. It has also been wonderful to have people who have taken time out of their personal lives to talk to me.

I have made friends who have accepted me and my BP and are still helping me through to a time where I am 'stable' and a bit less erratic. To be honest about this part of my life is a huge deal as in real life, it is pretty much only told to my dearest.

I have been able to help others which is good.

As my depression improved, so did my anxiety. Yes I am still an anxious person but am able to do so many more of the things I couldn't a year ago. Yet people on here understand that although I do them, they can still be a huge internal struggle.

I could go on, but I am not going to any more. NMP has helped me so much.

Thank you:hugs:

08-08-07, 10:29
I have found NMP a god send since I joined in November. I don't go into chat as I found it a bit strange but I access the Forum most days when I'm at home. When I first joined I ended up meeting with some people who have become friends via MSN. Keep up the good work Nic - you are appreciated.

08-08-07, 13:54
NMP has helped me by giving me a sort of clubhouse to come to each day where I have found new friends with the same problems and I love the way we all try and help each other.:yesyes:

It's made me feel part of things when at times my agoraphobia levels might have made me feel abit isolated.:yesyes:

Great thread Mirry. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-08-07, 15:14
NMP understood when no one else could,it made me a part of the community here instead of the awful isolation i felt..it explained what was the matter with me ..i never knew till i found this wonderful forum..thought i was alone and crackers and a coward:lac: It has given me wonderful friends:D I cant praise here enough and all the wonderful folk on here:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxx

08-08-07, 18:37
awwwwww bless you all , . Reading your replys has made me rather emotional :weep: . But its great :yesyes: .

08-08-07, 18:50
I can put this in one sentence

NO MORE PANIC HAS GIVEN ME MY LIFE BACK!!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

And Ive made some lovely friends along the way:hugs:

Thank You All

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

08-08-07, 19:11
I have found a lot of good friends here too and now feel I can get on with my life.

I went to the nopanic conference in Telford...drove to the station on my own...got on a train on my own...got stuck on the train....a year before I would have fled the train and got a taxi home lol.

What I mean is this site has given me a lot of confidence the mantra JFDI helps a lot....I do now.

Without this site I would be half the person I am now so thanks NMP and the people who have helped me here....mainly the good friends I have made that understand what I am going through.:hugs: