View Full Version : Hi All

08-08-07, 10:37
Hi Everyone.

This is the first time i've posted about the problems i'm suffering but i'd like to hear from people who may have experienced the same as me and come out the other side.

I have suffered from Anxiety and Panic for around 4 years now and had two major episodes during that time both of which i started to recover from. As soon as i would start to recover i would go down the same path of going out and drinking and partying with the eventual outcome being a relapse of the most severe anxiety symptoms. The problem i have is i use alcohol as a way of escaping from the feelings even though i know that the day after i will feel so dreadfully ill.

Yet again i went out on the weekend and drank too much leaving me with a whole host of problems including a lost phone, a bang on my head and a black out period where i lost all my friends. I have no recollection of any of this happening and when i woke up the next day i felt awful and the panic of what had happened to me started to set in. This got really bad and i decided that i needed to come clean with my girlfriend and family. I have booked into an aa meeting to deal with my drinking which causes all the problems in my life. Over the last few days though i have been trying to work out what happened to me when i was out and i am having thoughts that i was beaten up or have died and that i'm in some sort of afterlife now, even though nothing has changed. This is really worrying me and the symptoms i am getting are becoming worse and worse. I have been through exactly the same thing before but i can't get my head around it. Is there anyone who can offer some advice or who has also had this problem and worked through it? At the moment all i can think of is that my life has been lost somewhere - utter confusion.

I just want to finally get my problems in life sorted out and make my family proud of me again.


08-08-07, 11:12

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

08-08-07, 11:13
Welcome Ollie,
Good on you for taking the first step and booking in to AA. Alcohol does seem to effect anxiety in a big way, so you have made a smart move there. Talking to your Family and Girlfriend is a great place to start, i'm sure they will give you lots of support.
You will find lots of great help and advice here.
Wishing you well

08-08-07, 11:43
welcome Ollie

Youll find all the info you require on this site plus support xxx

08-08-07, 12:03
Hi Ollie

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will find lots of good advice, support and make new friends too.:)


08-08-07, 13:01
Thanks for the positive comments everyone. Could anyone offer some advice on the problem i'm having now with the uncontrollable thoughts or should i post in another area of the forum?


08-08-07, 13:40
:) hi ollie, im not sure, i think your post will probably just stay here, but anyway what i would say is that totally crazy irrational thoughts are all part and parcel of high anxiety and panic, i have read about why but im not able to tell you why, somebody else probably knows, but i have had them and i know lots of others do and i also know that it isnt anything to worry about. i mean you have the weird thoughts they are very upsetting/worrying but you have to try not to worry about them as it only makes things worse. they are just thoughts as upsetting as they are. just because you 'think' youve died and woke up somewhere doesnt mean you have! and when ive thought i had scizophrenia doesnt mean i did have it! do you get what i mean? if you can try to start letting these thoughts wash over you, you will start to feel better. emma

08-08-07, 13:48
Thanks Emma, i think i know this deep down it's just overwhleming at the moment. Thanks for your kind words of advice, its tough when you are only 24 and you think your life is over. I know this is not the case and I will continue to try and be strong.


08-08-07, 14:13
:yesyes: you have the right attitude ollie! you will get there, i look at it philosophically, you are on your lifes journey and at times it is very very rough, but by knowing bad times you can also know good times! all the best emma

08-08-07, 16:39
Hello Ollie :welcome:to you!

Good move sorting out the alcohol :yesyes:and don't worry, you'll get plenty of help and support here!

Not only will your family be proud of you - you will be too!

Anyway, making a positive move like AA is something to be proud of already, yes?

Pleased to meet you!


08-08-07, 16:58
Hi GG,

Yeah it is a really positive move for me as i believe alcohol is the catalyst for my anxiety in that it causes it directly by consumption and indirectly by the things i do whilst drunk that cause me to panic afterwards. I would love to be able to tell you all that in a years time i have not been back down that path. Its just a shame it takes me to get to my lowest possible point before i look to halt the things that cause me such trouble.

Take Care

08-08-07, 20:52
Hi Ollie and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Well done on booking the AA meeting, I'm sure that will help hugely. Posting about thoughts on this thread is fine but you can start a specific thread elsewhere too if you like. Have you looked at the threads in the welcome forum? There are lots of links to threads about thoughts in there.

Take care,


09-08-07, 21:35
Hi Ollie

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will soon settle in and feel at home and get some great support and advice.

Re the thoughts - have a read of the Symptoms page - that may help.

10-08-07, 10:42
Hi Ollie,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
11-08-07, 21:53
love minnie xxxxxxxxxx