View Full Version : Indulging my obsession...

08-08-07, 13:32
Some people might say it's a bad thing - like indulging my obsession - and some might say it's a good thing - like taking control of my health.

Basically, yesterday I went for one of those Bupa Health Assessments. I had the works - blood biochemistry screen, haemotology screen, ECG, lung function, blood pressure, BMI, urinalysis, and a full on prodding all over by a very patient and caring doctor.

It was hard explaining why I'd gone (see reasons above), but I felt really good afterwards. I am in pretty good shape on the surface, though the blood and urine results won't be through for a few days. Mostly it felt great to know that the doctor was there just for me, wouldn't pass judgement, and would listen to every little thing I told him. Such a shame my GP isn't like that...but then again, she only has 10 minutes per patient. Still, last time I went to her - in a bad state, crying and frustrated because of my problem period - all she said was, "What are you afraid of?! Bleeding to death?!". How very understanding.

So, has anyone else had one of these health assessments? How did you find it? Was it useful, or did it make you worry more?


Thanks for reading my rant! :)

Anna. x

09-08-07, 10:42
Hi Anna,

No I haven't had one and have often thought about it. I have not gone ahead incase it leads to further anxiety. If any of the results are were not spot on and in the normal range I would worry about it, even if the doc told me not too.

Glad to hear this has helped you

Greeyeyed xx