View Full Version : Private help

08-08-07, 14:37
Hiya all.
I have just been speaking to a friend who has suggested a private hospital to get help at. She went because of social phobia and OCD. It treats all kinds of mental health promblems and i feel could be a real benifit to me. promblem is as its private it costs alot of money. I wondered if anyone knew if it was possable to get help funding this cost?? I have tried for so long to get help on the NHS and they are a lot of good for nothing time wasters that do everything they possiablly can to make me feel bad about myself and that i am just a reall inconvinence to them and they are doing me a favour by just looking at me. They havnt offered any help and i am too tired and fed up to try and fight for it. But this place sounds like it could really help. I have sent off for the information pack and stuff.
But if anyone knows anything about fundng for stuff like this, please, any help would be really appritiated.
Take care all

08-08-07, 15:28
I attended one of the Priory hospitals a couple of years ago and got no assistance from NHS. Like you I got fed up waiting. I could only afford to go as a day patient as it was something like £550 as an inpatient.

08-08-07, 16:50
:) some health authorities do fund stuff but not sure this would come under it, it is hugely expensive, just for the day, i am currently paying £75 per hour for private cbt, could you stretch to it maybe once a month if you could get a therapist who was sympathetic to your financial situation? i suppose it could be a good way to find a nice therapist because they shouldnt really object to seeing you because you can only afford one session a month? emma

15-08-07, 11:27
Thanks guys. Yeah looking at the costs there is no way i could ever afford it. I dont even have a job. I am just getting so frastrated at the lack of help. Its driving me crazy. I really dont know what to do about it. I hate phoning them up because they make me feel like i am a real inconvinence and its all my fault and i am just being ungratful. They passed me onto the alcohol unit but they say they cant help me because thats not my promblem. They have offererd an assesment but all they will say is that we are not the right service and as i cant leave the house it will be impossiable to go. All the mentasl health people say is i have to leave the house. If i could leave the bloody house i wouldnt be ill!!!. I really dont know what to do.
Any advice would be really helpful